Wednesday 5 December 2007

Not just any ole monkey!

OMG well after staring at a blank page for a few days, I've FINALLY come up with a basic design for the website and it's looking GOOD! We'll say nothing of the fact that it's nearly 3am in the morning though!

Ack well when a girl has inspiration, a girl has inspiration!!!

I also did a candle party at my mum's this evening (err technically yesterday but at 3am I'm not being picky!!!) and I got there early to set up for a photo shoot. I basically did a rekkie of her house yesterday and made a list of things to bring with me and OH MY GOD am I good!!!! They turned out superbly!!! I'm not going to post them here though .... gonna save them for the re-launch! Of course I need to re-photo EVERYTHING now!!!

The new version of the website is in a very very VERY rough draft state and although I've uploaded a test page, it's all staying offline for now until I am ready for the re-launch, but the best bit is that I now have a layout design and a "concept" for the site .... I've done the groundwork on the layout, made a start on the new photography and OHHHHH it's looking good!!

Well I think I'll grab another juice, have one more smoke then hit the sack!!!

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