Sunday 30 September 2007

Small boy wise beyond his years

We all have days like it don't we ... don't we? The ones we REALLY don't like to admit to where it is all fubar right from the moment you open your eyes. Yesterday morning was like that. I was stressed because I had an afternoon candle party to get ready for and that threw me because I usually do parties at night, so I was already feeling tense when I woke up.

I hadn't slept well either - so by the time I stumbled downstairs all bleary eyed I just exploded into a fire breathing dragon (FBD). Now I should explain that there are two extremes to my style of parenting. On one extreme you have Mary Poppins where it doesn't matter that you broke my expensive vase darling because I know it was an accident and you didn't do it on purpose. On the other extreme is the FBD that will give time outs and instant discipline (namely removing Nintendo DS and banning all electronic gaming for the day!) BECAUSE I had already told you eleventy hundred times NOT to play with your damned ball in the house!! Most of the time I exist in a fairly happy world living nicely in the middle of my two extremes!

So anyway, yesterday started as an FBD day. I asked Nathan what he would like for breakfast and he replied chocolate toast. Off I go on my merry way (not quite in full FBD mode yet) to pop the toast in the toaster and to get him his ADHD meds. NOW I also need to explain that my being sick in the mornings for the last few months is brought on partly by smell and toast is one of the worst culprits, so I don't do toast unless I REALLY have to!!

I ask my dear son to come and butter his own toast to make it easier on my rapidly increasingly queasy stomach and then he announces that he doesn't in fact want toast, tells me he never ASKED for toast and that he actually wants coco pop rocks cereal with NO milk. All of this is while he is bouncing up and down on the sofa, upside down with his feet on the wall and he is totally losing it because it takes about half an hour for his ADHD meds to kick in!

I just completely lost it. For no real reason either - I just let rip in full FBD mode yelling at him about wasting food and then instantly felt awful. I said sorry straight away, sorted out his breakfast (coco pop rocks with no milk) and then managed to calm the FBD down by having a coffee in the conservatory with some peace and quiet ... gradually returning to normal mummy mode.

When I went back into the lounge, I went straight over to Nathan to give him a big hug and the conversation went something like this ...

ME: Nathan, I am really sorry that I shouted at you but I was angry because you had asked for toast and then you wasted it.
NATHAN: Mummy, we've already talked about it and you've said sorry. I've forgiven you and we don't need to talk about it all day.

Talk about a HIGHLY astute little boy there! Gawd there's more than a thing or two I could learn from my 7 year old son!!

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