Friday 11 July 2008

Friday Five - 11th July

This week's Friday Five are about dreams!!! Let's have a bash at this ...

What are some recurring dreams you’ve had? Recently I've been waking up and feeling that I can't breathe. It's a very real feeling although I can't remember the dream... just the fact I am gasping for breath and have to stick my head out of the window!

What is the significance of dreams in telling you about yourself? I put a LOT of significance into my dreams!! I firmly believe that the subconscious mind has a great deal of insight into what is going on in your real life. I've seen lie detector tests where the person genuinely believe what they are saying as the truth ... but their subconscious mind lets on the real truth. Dreams are important. They help us to figure out what we REALLY want instead of what we think we want!

How do you feel after you’ve had one of THOSE dreams? One of WHAT dreams? Hehehe a sexy one? I feel GRRRRRR and that's the best way to describe it! LOL Cobwebs R Us!

What was the last dream you remember? Last night I dreamed I was being chased because I had parked my car in the wrong place. Chasing dreams generally represent anxiety (no shit sherlock!) because running away is a natural response. I think I dreamed about this because I am trying NOT to run away from things at the moment!

When did you last dream about something that later happened as you dreamt it? You can only recognise so called "prophetic dreams" after they have actually happened, and the only thing I can think of where this has happened has been something I can't discuss on a public post!!

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