Wednesday 9 July 2008

My "unbirthday" birthday!

I can't believe I didn't actually write about this yesterday! I was so "on one" about getting ready for the market, that by the time I'd finished up last night I just headed straight for bed!!

I got some wonderful gifts from my children!!!! Megan made me a cross stitch pattern that she did completely by herself and I absolutely love it. It's way better than anything she could have bought, and it's actually really good!! My mum has been helping her with sewing & stitching, but she did this on her own! Hub took the kids into Boots to buy me something and Nathan picked out hair bunches!! He couldn't have picked anything more perfect! I scratch around in the morning for a bunch when I am straightening my hair and need to separate some of it off. He told me that he knew I needed them and would use them every day and think of him! How adorable was that!!

I got lots of cards and either a facebook message or a text from my friends ... plus Lou bought me a cake at work!! Well happy! LOL

The rest of my birthday was spent working!! I was in the workshop all day then bought packing home to finish up ready for the market! I did manage a good few hours "quality time" with the kids after school though :-)

It wasn't about presents or parties or cake (although cake was good!!!) it was about spending time with my kids and knowing that although money has been tight for so many people ...

... I was given gifts that didn't cost the earth but meant the world.

THAT is what it is about.

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