Monday 21 January 2008

pregnant women should cut down on coffee??

Not that it affects ME as I'm highly unlikely to have any more babies LOL ... but it was on the news this morning that a new study has shown drinking more than 2 cups of coffee while pregnant gives expectant mothers a much bigger risk of miscarriage.

I think it's utter madness! I should add that it was only a relatively small sample, but I still think it's crazy. They didn't even mention that there is caffeine in tea as well!

Talk about instilling fear into people - especially first time mums. I've lost two pregnancies to miscarriage but at the end of the day you CANNOT cover yourself in bubble wrap for 9 months (although I'd actually like to try wrapping myself in bubble wrap for a laugh! Anyway I digress....) If you try to avoid everything that you "shouldn't have" and take all the vitamins in the world, you can still have a miscarriage.

It isn't only that ... it's .... well picture a pregnant woman who has had her 2 cup limit of coffee. She's had a really bad day and needs a drink of something! The vodka is calling her but she opts for a cup of coffee instead. What if a few days later that woman miscarries due to something completely unrelated? She'd blame herself and that cup of coffee for the rest of her life.

Ok got that off my chest now!!

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