Wednesday 30 January 2008

Still a genius :-)

Today started off as a bit of a "non day" really ... work this morning was "okay" - got some orders boxed up and sent out, and poured what I could - I just wasn't in a "lets pour candles" mood and I know when I'm in that kind of mood I am best off OUT of the workshop! Those are the days I end up throwing wax over myself or having a silly accident!

Soooo I came home an hour earlier than I should have ... and have been working on the new website. All the changes are still offline, and I'm not uploading anything else now until the site is completely ready! BUT it's all going really well. I've got the photography page done and am working on my website design service page right now.

I NEED some more stuff in my portfolio though ... I have terrific photographs of MY kids ... but I need MORE! Same with the websites too - I've built sites for other people in the past and I have several of my own .... but I need a bigger portfolio!!!

Sooooooooo ......... if anyone reading this (c'mon I know there are a couple of you at LEAST who read this LOL) who would like a free single page website (hosted on my domain or a free site of your choice) to go into my portfolio then email me!! LOL Oh I should add that just incase there are like hundreds / thousands of you reading this then the offer is limited to the first three people! LOL

I really REALLY want to get out with my camera! I am filled with this URGE and DESIRE to just go take pictures of anything and everything right now! I feel so full of inspiration and motivation. It's a good place to be :-)

Ok I've checked in - back to the websites ... that's if the wine don't get me on the floor first!!

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