Tuesday 8 January 2008

Where do all the hours go?????????

You know those times when you look at the clock and think "ahhh fabulous, I have five minutes to myself ...." Then, before you know it, an hour has passed! WHAT HAPPENED to those other fifty five minutes? Where did they go? It only felt like five!!

I've had two full on days like that so far this week and ooops it's only Tuesday!

When I got into work on Monday, I looked through the door at what has affectionately been termed (by me!) as "the rubbish room" and decided that enough is enough ... time to actually get off my arse and get rid of it all!! It's my fault - I haven't stayed on top of it and instead of doing a dump run once every couple of weeks and clearing out ALL the rubbish ... nooo, Dee decided to stash it all in an unused room and worry about it "eventually."

Well - yesterday was eventually!! I wish I'd taken a "before" pic because it's not a huge room - but easily a single bedroom size and it was FULL and I mean FULL of rubbish to the point you couldn't even get in the door, and it was piled up too.

I did three dump runs yesterday and another two today - I am absolutely knucking fackered but I feel really smug and chuffed with myself for it! I cleared the room out completely and I've sorted the rest of the bags/boxes of crap outside the door into what I think should be another 3-4 dump runs. There is some stuff that's simply too heavy for me to move so I need to plead girl on that and get a couple strong men up there to help with those bits!! Any offers? LOL

I'm going to turn the room into my office!!! My desk is currently just in the main packing area and it's a nightmare where it is. If I move into that room I'll be closer to the stock room and it means that when customers come in to the workshop, the office and stock room are almost opposite each other and no need for them to go up the other end where it's messy!!

I moved the sofa in there today and have got a desk ready to move the PC over, but before I can do that I need more help! Gawd I hate being a girl sometimes! I am definitely computer savvy, but when it comes to moving my PC away from the phone line ... I know I'm going to need help with sorting out turning it wireless before I can officially move in there! Thankfully DH has said he'll help me with that! Phew!

I want my office to be more of a comfy and warm place to be when I have paperwork to do! The other downside of where my desk currently is ... is that there are absolutely no radiators up that end because of false walls ... so it's Brrrrrrr cold when the temperature outside drops!!! I want to be able to take proper breaks and have somewhere comfortable to sit and also somewhere for my choccie biccies to live that isn't too far from the kettle! Hehehe

So yeah today and yesterday I have been doing hard manual graft! Up and down those sodding stairs with heavy bags, lifting & shifting furniture and now I is knackered! By the time I've looked at the clock both days ... it's been pretty much time to run and go pick the kids up!

All work and no play makes Dee a very dull girl!!!

I'm going to have me a nice bath and hit the sack early!

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