Tuesday 1 January 2008

Resolutions?? Nope, not me!!

I never make New Years Resolutions. EVER.

I am a firm believer that if there is something you need to change about yourself then you need to just DO IT instead of waiting for a date on the calendar. What's the point of overeating at Christmas and promising yourself you will diet/join a gym in the new year?

Sooo many people use today - 1st January as an excuse to give up things like smoking and drinking .... but as the bumper sticker on the back of my car says "I gave up smoking, drinking and sex - it was the worst 15 mins of my life!" Nope, I don't actually have ANYTHING that I want to give up for the new year!

There are changes I want to make in my life for sure, but these have been on-going changes that I have been working on for a while - things like trying to be less stressed (not working when I've fallen out with someone I am close to) and eating better (again not working when I have no appetite due to stress!) but I didn't suddenly wait until new year to make the changes! Funnily enough I did feel nauseous today and it was when I was getting myself wound up about the person I'd fallen out with. More proof that the throwing up was due to stress!!

2008 HAS to be a better year. It has to - or I quit!!!

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