Saturday 5 January 2008

what a difference a few days make!!

Well after being all depressed and melancholy I have had a blinding couple of days!! It's been a weird week really and I put it all down to New Years Day being on a Tuesday!!! The week is all ass about face!

It's been a good week though and the last couple of days in particular have been really great. Yesterday was a motivating day at work, and then today everything just fell into place without any planning!!

Put it this way - I have a very big grin on my face!! It's been a really good day!

Been thinking more and more about a shop again. I need to really pull it out of my arse this year and get it sorted - and SOON! I need a good amount of cash to buy some wax in bulk and get started on serious stock preparation and try to build up some reserve cash in the account... as well as promoting and trying to gain new business and staying on top of the website!!

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