Saturday 16 February 2008

The Anti-Valentine

I HATE Valentines Day. Hate loathe and despise it. I meant to post about this on Thursday but got sidetracked (and a lil drunk!) Nope, no Valentines for this girl this year!

Valentines Day is about commercialism and forcing people to make declarations that they may not be ready to make!! It's the new couples that really suffer. They are only just in a relationship and getting to know each other and ooopsie look it's Valentine's Day! They may be feeling things for each other, but not ready to say those three scary words yet ... but the shops are full of cards saying "I love you" and the woman is damned well gonna be expecting something!

Thing is, I would MUCH rather have on-going romance. Somebody leaving me little notes on my pillow or stuck to the inside of the cupboard, making me a cup of coffee, snuggling up together on the sofa, holding hands, being intimate with each other (NOT all about sex!) ... it's those things that show true romance rather than a card!

Having said that, it's not like I don't appreciate the thought on Valentines Day from a guy!! I'm just saying that Valentines isn't the be all and end all and that it's the little on-going things that really show how you feel! *sigh*I miss that :-(

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