Saturday 16 February 2008


I joined this website in September last year and I swear it is probably my most USED website!! It was my friend M that recommended it to me and I have been hooked ever since! is basically a radio station ... but of music YOU like! You search by artist or by "tag" (hip hop, dance, reggae, classical etc) and it brings up other music like that ... so if you put in UB40 you'd come up with lots of other reggae groups. I love it!

It also tells you who you’ve been listening to most, etc.. and I’m such a HUGE fan of annoying pointless stats and stalking myself! Unfortunately this also means that when I'm having an 80s retro throwback night that shows up all the really shite tunes I used to listen to in my youth! Admittedly there are a lot of tracks that I really love because they bring back memories, but other people in the world think that the tune is crap. Ok in fact the rest of the world does!!!


I have spent soooo long sorting out all of my tunes and then all of a sudden Erasure, or the Pet Shop Boys from one of my 80s fest sessions pops up on my profile! I can hear all the younguns going "who??" LOL

It's worrying. People are going to be looking at this saying ‘OMG she sounded okay on the outside, but how SHITE is her music taste?'. It could affect my whole life. My future friendships. My chance of ever having more children!!

All I can say is - people, please don’t judge me. I think pixies are doing it when i’m not around. Sneaky wee buggers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.