Thursday 14 February 2008

What's so special about Thursday?!

Wellll I've been painting? LOL Mum gave me a big tub of magnolia and as you would expect ... if Dee is left in the house alone with a tub of paint then you can pretty much guarantee she'll be a paintin'! Sooooo I have a 3/4 finished nicely cream bedroom! It is a huge improvement on the dirty lilac that it was before!! I have to move the wardrobe to get to the last bit and have to admit defeat and will need to ask the hub for help with that! That can wait a few days though.

Once the bedroom is done I'll tackle the stairs, then the hallway and then I'll start on the lounge! The ceilings, coving and all need re-doing in white as well - I can already see me procariously balancing on a chair, trying not to fall off as I paint the ceilings!!

.... Magnolia *sigh*

I do LOVE colour, and if it were just ME living here by myself (and if I had the MONEY!!!), each room in the house would be a different colour and style to reflect my personality and what I use each space for.

BUT admittedly the magnolia is nice and easy, it's fresh - oh yeah, and it's FREE! Sooo I'll just use colour with accents instead :-)

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