Saturday 17 November 2007

Crikey where did the last 3 days go????

Well work has been pretty frantic to say the least! I honestly can't believe where the last few days have gone and it's Saturday evening already! Ohhh yeah, I've been working, working and working some more! LOL

I went into work for a bit today to do a little bit of catch up and I found myself getting worried about the order levels ... as in I don't have many current orders in... I could feel my stress starting to rise until I reminded myself that I've actually been fairly on top of orders recently so things are being poured, packed and going out quickly ... which is exactly WHY there aren't many current orders!!

I don't have enough hours in the day to get everything done, but I am finding myself starting to worry again about what I still need to do AND the fact that I don't have enough to do! Yeah, figure THAT one out!!! It isn't as if I am behind on orders at all, (aside from one but that's in hand) yet I still find the panic rising as I stand there and look at the few current orders that are in at the moment. It's the middle of November - people should be starting to buy for Christmas by now. I should have MORE orders, that's the problem!!! I'm up on where I was this time last year, but waaaay down on where I was a couple of years ago and that makes me depressed.

I also worry about the fact that I can either afford to make a payment towards my rent (that I am behind on) or order wax. If I don't order wax I won't be able to fill orders, so this week the priority has to be on wax.

I did however siphon off (I just learned how to actually spell siphon and I PRIDE myself on my spelling & grammar!) some cash to buy myself a pretty new bra and matching thong this afternoon! Megan needed a new dressing gown so I took her up to M&S, and after we were done shopping for her, I found myself in the lingerie department! I love that store because they are one of the only places locally where you can buy a pretty F cup bra off the shelf and trained fitters to help you out!! I also picked myself up a couple of pairs of black french knickers and some plain black "no VPL" boyshorts. 4 pairs for a tenner - couldn't resist THAT one!!!

OK more happy stuff, I love the fact that the workshop is clean and tidy! I really wish I'd done it months ago! It was this time last week I started on the mass clean up and a week later I've stayed on top of it and it's still all clean and tidy! It's so nice to walk in there and not have to sigh because the place is an absolute sh*t tip! Candlemaking IS messy work - FACT, so it will never be spotless and "Dee-Clean" but it's looking good!!

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