Wednesday 7 November 2007

The urge to strangle someone

I've read somewhere that stress is the body's attempt at overiding that strong inner urge to strangle someone who so richly deserves it.... or words to that effect anyway! I can well believe it! After my 'Supermarket Melt-down' a few weeks ago ... I was truly ready to strangle the living shit outta someone - anyone! :=) but thankfully things seem to be much better now.

The tablets are definitely taking the edge off of the physical symptoms of anxiety and making things more "cope-with-able" and having the rest of the household make more of an effort to clean up after themselves just lifts my spirits when I walk through the door after work and am not faced with a mountain of housework!!

Despite the fact that the last couple of days have flown by, I can't believe it's still only Wednesday! I had to work harder and longer yesterday and today to make up for my decadent afternoon on Monday *grin* but it was worth it! Roll on the weekend :-)

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