Friday 30 November 2007

Friday night and feelin' fine!!!

I've been chatting to a few people today about how I know I am busier than last year because the figures show it... yet this time last year I had two permanent part time staff members and this year I am on my own (other than friends helping out for odd hours!) and I don't feel like I am doing as much! It doesn't make sense! It's crazy!

The only answer I have is that I am highly motivated right now and very much on top of things in the workshop. Most orders are being poured and dispatched within a couple of days (some even next day) which is terrific ... I just don't feel as overwhelmed with it all. I just seen to be in a really good place emotionally and mentally right now.

I also can't stop thinking about a shop! It is definitely where I need to be within a couple of years minimum. I've spent this last year pulling myself out of the crap and next year has to be about balancing that out and ticking over okay! I know what I am like though, and when I get a bee in my bonnet about something then I don't tend to hang around! I NEED CASH ... about £20K will do it! LOL

Today has been a good day too - I can't remember the last time I had this many good days all in a row and I am almost scared to mention it incase it all stops! LOL! Maybe karma is finally paying me back! I had a good day at work today, got eleventy hundred boxes packed for dispatch (ok that's an exaggeration but it felt like that!), plus more orders completed to pack up over the weekend. The kids behaved themselves this afternoon after school, and then this evening I've drafted the December e-newsletter ready to send out over the weekend, worked on the website for a bit and finished off what I needed to do for my new fabby range of candles!!!

Feels bizarre to be in such a good place for so many days in a row! Let's see what the weekend brings!!

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