Sunday 4 November 2007

Witches & Ninja ghosts - must be Halloween!!!

Ok so I am posting this a lil late but I've had a stress free weekend (more about that earlier!) This year I gave in when they asked if they could go trick or treating. I've always said no in the past as I feel A) it's an American tradition that others have pinched and not necessarily a British one, and B) I disagree with hassling people in their own homes!

This year I knocked on the neighbours doors in advance and asked them if it would be okay if my children and some of the others from the road could knock on their door on Halloween afternoon after school (timed so it wouldn't be dark and scare the elderly residents of our road!). I offered to give them the them sweets so it wouldn't cost them anything and told them what time (ish) we would be calling. There was actually only one neighbour that said no and he said that was only because he wouldn't be there.

The kids had a brilliant time and really enjoyed dressing up as well as all of the chocolate and candy that they scored! I was grateful to our neighbours for playing along too :-)

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