Friday 9 November 2007

If things don't change they stay the same!

I've had a manic couple of days so not much time to blog, but here's a very quick update and rundown!!

Dairy-Free - I'll admit I've "cheated" since I started this 3 weeks ago because there have been times where it's been absolutely impossible to avoid dairy products! There have also been times where I've caved and had a pizza or nachos (smothered in cheese!) but what that has done is shown that I DO tend to be MORE nauseous and throw up on days where I have eaten dairy, and especially cheese .... soooo I do think I have a dairy "intolerance" but it won't stop me from eating it - it's just more of an awareness. Yesterday was a totally dairy free day and I am absolutely fine this morning!

Stress Levels - I can happily report that they are lower! It's probably a combination of everything that I am doing at the moment plus the pills, but whatever it is, it seems to be working. I am also trying very hard to change my way of thinking so that instead of approaching something with a negative attitude, I am slapping myself upside the head and trying to be positive.

Weight - I haven't been "trying" to lose weight and haven't been on any diets (aside from the crappy dairy free thing recently), but it's just been a very welcome side effect from stress and I have lost almost two stone in the last year or so. I actually weigh less now than I have done in a long time, and for the first time in a long time, I can look in the mirror and actually not be completely repelled by what I see. I'm not even sure that it's just down to the weight loss .... I think my self esteem is finally building - slowly but surely! I feel positive and happy with my figure, knowing that I actually really do look good, and that makes me feel better.

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