Monday 12 May 2008

2.45am "restless legs" and late night mutterings

I DESERVE sleep. I don't deserve to have heavy restless legs that won't leave me alone. After all I have been through over the last few days, I DESERVE to get a good night's sleep. I spent the evening fairly chilled and relaxed, watched some TV then went to bed around 11pm. Unfortunately an hour later at just past midnight I was still laying there and my legs just felt so heavy and uncomfortable. Restless is the best way to describe it and it sucks.

I got up, made a hot cocoa, had a smoke, watched some Sex in the City re-runs and attempted sleep again around 1am. That didn't last long - it's now getting on for 3am ... I have to be up in just over four hours and for the third night in a row, I'll have had bugger all sleep.

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