Friday 16 May 2008

Friday Five 16th May 2008 (Old/Young)

Wow I have time to do today's Friday Five before I take the kids to school!

What makes you feel old? Ugh the teenagers these days! I look at them trying desperately to look older, and I remember that it wasn't that long ago that I was one of them ... but I feel REALLY old when I realise that actually, err it was more like over 15 years ago!

What makes you feel young? My kids and the ability to be completely silly with them!! Even out in public I can lark around with them and have a laugh!

What was better the old way? Getting a hand written letter through the post. It had much more sentiment and meant a lot more.

What’s better now that you do it the new way? Although hand written notes have more sentiment, I think technology HAS been a huge improvement in communication. Life is sometimes too busy to spend an hour hand writing a letter ... but it takes 5 minutes to email an old friend you haven't spoken to for a while.

What’s something you are old school about?
Family traditions definitely. I was brought up by great parents and I've always said if I can be half the parent that they were ... then I will have done a good job!

1 comment:

Acrimony said...

Teenagers totally make me feel old too! I often catch myself saying "what's wrong with kids these days?" LOL!

Happy Friday!