Saturday 31 May 2008

Friday Five - 30th May 2008

This week's Friday five is about forgetfulness. Isn't that Dee-ness?

What piece of information do you keep forgetting? Well surely if I knew that I would have no reason to forget it!! Actually it's probably hub's birthdate ... I know it's either the 6th or the 7th ... and the year is either one or another - but I never know for sure! I am usually good at remembering crap like that, but for one reason his birthday is one I regularly can't recall!

What regular event in your life do you keep forgetting? I keep promising myself that I will do the midnight walk in London for Breast Cancer (wearing a sparkly bra) but I never remember until after the sign up has passed! Maybe next year ..

How are you with remembering the names of people you meet? Actually I'm pretty good with names. With what I do for a living, I HAVE to be aware of customer's names because often they will call, saying "hi it's so and so..." and I need to immediately recall who they are and what they have ordered! It's faces I'm not so good at!

What kinds of tricks to you have for remembering to do stuff that falls outside your regular routine? Ahhh I use mnemonics ... a LOT! Mnemonics are like little verbal cues to remind yourself of things ... like how to spell "necessary" - I remember an English lesson when I was about 14 and being taught "never eat cheese, eat salmon sandwiches" and since then, I could always spell necessary! I try to give myself a "something" to associate with what I need to remember.

If you keep a daily planner, what is it like? If you don’t, why not? I have ALWAY kept a diary!! Actually I technically have three diaries! I have my actual calendar diary where I plan my day to day stuff and that looks like this ....

It was originally a boring black diary .. then it got "Dee'd!" In here is everything that I need to remember that I have to do on a particular day! Any appointments the kids have, lists of my parties & events for work etc. I also have my daily blog here on blogger, plus a very VERY private and exceptionally well hidden journal for my most secretest thoughts. C'mon ... you didn't really think I told you everything did you?

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