Friday 9 May 2008

Out of my comfort zone ....

By about 5lbs! ... I'm going to join the gym.

I used to be really worried about my weight. It used to affect me daily and my confidence level was zero... but I worked through that and learned to really like who I was - inside and out. Lately though I've not been happy ... and that's been inside and out too!

I went to the gym regularly before my dad passed away (in 2003) and it was terrific ... I could eat and drink literally whatever I wanted and I was losing inches. I even did a triathlon at the gym and didn't come last!! I guess I eventually fell out of the habit of going after dad died ... and fell into my comfort zone!

My comfort zone has been around the 3lb mark ... so I could go up or down by about 3lb and not worry overly. It's allowed me not to worry and to be able to still actually eat food without resorting to carrot sticks and obsessive tendencies (and we all know how well I can obsess!)

BUT I really don't like being outside of "the zone" and I hadn't even noticed my weight creep outside it! I'd managed to stop obsessing about the scales and stop religiously weighing myself every morning... well, until today! My clothes still fit, so it's not as if I've suddenly become a blimp, but I *have* noticed that my wobbly bits are wobbling more than usual ... and I don't like it! It's only by a few pounds but I want to knock it on the head right now!!

So I'm going to do something about it.

The gym is *literally* over the road so I really have no excuse. It will cost £33 a month for an "off peak" membership which means I can use the gym 7-4 on week days. It also gives you unlimited classes so it is well worth the money. When I was a member before, I used to go in the evenings, but life is more hectic these days and I know damned well that by the time I've got the kids home from school, tidied the house, checked any homework and organised dinner ... that I don't want to be going anywhere!

Sooo I figured I usually leave the workshop around 2pm anyway ... so 3 days a week if I leave at 1.45pm (and stay till 2.45 the other days), I can get a good hour workout before I pick the kids up from school and then shower as soon as I get home. It would work really well. I'm motivated in the middle of the afternoon so it's a great time ... and it would give me something POSITIVE to do instead of sitting on my backside for an hour before I pick the kids up!

PLUS ... I'm a girl ... when I know I look better on the outside - I feel better on the inside. What more reason is there? LOL Sooo I'm off to work now, then I'll be heading to the gym to sign up this afternoon while their half price joining fee is still valid!!

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