Tuesday 2 October 2007

Cauliflowers Fluffy and Cabbages Green

Nathan's Harvest FestivalI am such a sucker for school performances. There's just something so adorable about the sound of kids singing that reduces this grown woman to a snivelling heap!

Today was totally unique though! I hadn't realised it at the time, but I sat all the way through Nathan's Harvest Festival performance today without actually worrying myself silly that he was about to get up and start spinning around in circles or doing rolly pollys, kicking people in the process and generally creating mayhem! I sat there and watched proudly as my boy sat beautifully while the other children did their bits, he SANG (I was close enough to hear that there was definitely musical noises coming out of his mouth!) and he took part doing all the actions. He also seemed to really take pride in himself too.

Since Nathan was diagnosed with ADHD and Aspergers (high functioning autism) it has made some of his more errr "unique" behaviours a little more acceptable because knowing that it's not just him being beligerant and that it's actually his brain chemistry and unique makeup .... well it's another tick in the "I'm not a bad mother who can't always control her son" box!!

I am incredibly lucky that he goes to a very good school where there is excellent support for him, and they always have a Harvest Festival performance ... well, two actually! First school today and Middle school (Megan's) tomorrow. I love how they do put a lot of emphasis on the real meaning behind harvest time and that it's not just about collecting food to give to the less fortunate, but about trying to eat seasonally and how our food is made from the land. Ack it's the greenie in me!

Anyway - my boy made me proud today. Life is good :-)


Motherwise said...

He looks so handsome! And I am happy to hear that someone else is as big a sap as me. I cry at old "Lassie" reruns as well as kids singing. (Touches the soul.)

Anonymous said...

Aw bless! So good to know I am not the only one!!