Friday 12 October 2007

Friday Five - 12th October 2007

Today is going to be a mad day (Fridays always are - ugh!) Soooo I wanted to get this week's Friday Five done before I get too busy!!! This week's list from Friday Five are all about lasts ....

What was the last thing you baked? I baked an apple and blackberry pie!! I'm not a very good cook, but with the help of a recipe book (and my mother for pastry help!) I baked a beautiful pie! It tasted so good (and it was an unbelievably HUGE pie!) I even took some round to friends houses for them to try!!

What was the last thing you tried on for size? Ohhh that would be a new beige short skirt that I bought the other day to wear for candle parties - it's smart yet sexy and I love it.

What was the last thing you purchased on credit? I got rid of my credit card a while ago, so I can't actually remember. The last big purchase on credit would have been something for the house.

What was the last thing you put a postage stamp on? I posted some pain killers up to my sister earlier this week as she had an unbearable toothache and wasn't able to get to the dentist straight away. I've had really bad toothache (ended up needing root canal work) so I understand the pain!!!

What was the last thing you took a photo of? I tried to take a pic on my phone this morning of two tiny little baby snails that Nathan had spotted on a bush on the way to school but I couldn't get a decent shot as my phone doesn't do good close up pics so I gave up!

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