Friday 26 October 2007

OMG and all before 10am! I need the day off!

This morning has been pretty stressful and it was meant to actually be an EASY day for me!! Megan has a “Brownie Day” 10am-7pm and I’d booked Nathan onto a football day 10am-3pm with the group he practices with after school. BOTH of them occupied doing activities that they really enjoy (and deserve after being cooped up all half term!) They will have fun PLUS exercise their minds AND bodies. All ticks in the good mother box! It was also supposed to mean that I could get to the workshop and get some REAL work done without them being there on the last day of their half term.

Unfortunately getting out of the house wasn’t so much fun!

Last night I had popped over to see a friend very quickly after dinner, and when I got back I made sure that Megan had everything she needed for her Brownie day including several costume changes for a fashion show, washed & dried the things she wanted that were still in the laundry and made a list of what they both wanted for their packed lunches in the morning. Organised was not the word!!!

Hub went out to walk the dog not long after I got back and I asked him to pop to the shop and buy some bits and pieces that we needed while I finished talking to Megan about her brownie things, but he decided he was walking the dog over the road and not going near the shop. Great for him but didn’t really help me! Sooo this morning when I got up, I had to get them dressed, feed them breakfast, hurry down to the shop, make three packed meals (Megan needed a lunch and tea), finalise everything they needed, make ABSOLUTELY SURE that Nathan had been to the toilet and ugh it was just stressful!! Although Nathan did go to the toilet (the essential end!), I discovered that he’d managed to pee over his trousers earlier (he insists on trying to aim without using his hands!! Apparently it's a 'boy' thing and not just small boys either) so I had to get him changed at the last minute! Thankfully I’d done the laundry for Megan’s things last night and had thrown a ton of Nathan’s pants and trousers in!

It just didn’t help things along. On top of that I felt nauseous as soon as I woke up but wasn’t actually sick. I’m supposed to be trying to de-stress here – I was stressed and feeling anxious, worried and feelings of panic that I wouldn’t get it all done before I even started MY day!!

Then I have to be in two places at 10am! I bundle them both in the car with their assorted bags, changes of clothes, food and drink. I took Megan up 10 minutes early in the hope that I could drop her off early if there was someone there. We get there and find out that she is supposed to be in Brownie uniform. GRRRRRRRRR! LOL I told her not to worry and that I would bring it up. Meanwhile I whizz over to drop Nathan at football, making sure to tell them that they have to remind him to go to the toilet etc (they know him very well anyway) and find out that there is a presentation ceremony that starts at 2.30pm so I will have to leave work earlier than planned. THEN go all the way back home to dig Megan’s brownie uniform out of whichever drawers she stuffed it all in (Megan’s clothes stuffing in drawers is another story!!)

So anyway I get back up to Brownies with her clothes and find that I am not the only one who didn’t realise they had to be in uniform (it wasn’t on the letter!!!) one woman was standing there looking so stressed and harassed because she actually lived 20 mins away (35 mins at least with traffic at that time of day!) I said to her that it seemed silly her taking over an hour and stressing herself out when we could help. It was one of Megan’s friends too, so I said to Megan right, you wear your brownie jumper and your friend can wear your t-shirt then we’re all sorted and her Mum doesn’t have to go all the way back home again!! The girls were happy and this poor woman had such a look of relief on her face! I just wanted to try to help someone else to avoid that state of AARRGGHH that I had been in earlier! I told her not to worry about the t-shirt, that we’d sort it out at the end of the day, or that she could give it back to Megan when she sees her at school – no problem!

So by this point it’s nearly 10.30am. I figured that by the time I get to work and actually get the vats heated up to do anything, I would only end up with a couple of hours worth of REAL work and with all the stress I’d have to go through to get those two hours? Are they worth it? Plus it’s Friday, so anything I send out today on a 48hr dispatch wouldn’t get delivered until Tuesday! I’ve already planned to go into work over the weekend and I can be there as long as I want as hub is around …. So I figured I may as well take the day OFF today … have a bath, relax, make some cards and maybe do a bit more work on the catalogue … have a ME day! I am the only one in the house until after 3pm and I am going to take advantage of it!!!!!!!!!

I’ve tidied up a bit, made a coffee, I’ve got a smoke and the house is QUIET apart from the hum of the fish tank. Bliss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL LOL I can't stop laughing although I really shouldn't! Honey you ENJOY your day off!!!