Monday 29 October 2007

Getting there ....

I didn't get a chance to blog at all over the weekend because I was busy ... BUT you will be glad to hear (LOL all 3 of you that may actually read this!) that I was busy being de-stressed!! True to my word I took the whole entire day off on Friday and I was in bed by 9.30pm. I then spent the whole day on Saturday in the workshop as hub was at home with the children so it was "un-pressured" time and I got a metric fuckload done!!

Saturday evening I had an early bath and then sat down to finish the Winter catalogue. Yep it's done and JUST in time! Took my book to bed and read for a little bit (ie relaxed!) before falling asleep. I then had another unpressured day on Sunday in the workshop.

I guess I didn't get as much done as I would have liked to ... but considering I'll never achieve that (must stop expecting so much of myself!!) I'm happy with what I did.

Got B coming in to help with packing at work for an hour or so this morning and tomorrow - it's all going to help! Meanwhile it's 8.20 on Monday morning, kids are ready for first day back at school after half term and I have everything I need ready to take to work. Job well done!!

Still feeling anxious, nervous, worried, panicky etc and I was sick this morning. Hmmmm thoughts on that later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see you are relaxing hun. Take it easy - we've all been there!