Tuesday 16 October 2007

Poorly ill & sick ... and a lil bit melancholic :-(

I didn't sleep well over the weekend so I think that was probably the start of it. I had one of those weird stress lumps in my throat and I've been so TIRED but just not able to sleep :-( I don't think I've put much about being sick in my blog so far, but around March time I started being sick in the mornings. It is definitely not morning sickness as it would have to be the immaculate conception *grin*

Anyway I started to notice that it was happening not every day, but most days. To be honest in the beginning I just got used to it as it seemed to be brought on by strong smells first thing in the morning like toast for the kids breakfast, or someone having a shower with the scent of the shampoo, or even coffee ... my beloved morning coffee had to stop because I couldn't smell it without throwing up let alone drink it.

Anyway after I realised it had been going on for 6 months and even the immaculate conception morning sickness wouldn't last for that long without at least showing a lil bump in front! My friends actually started saying to me "errr it's not really right to be throwing up like that!" So off to the doctor I went. I had blood tests, urine tests etc which all came back normal. I don't have diabetes, my liver and kidney functions are fine and there was no apparent obvious reason for it.

When I went back to get the results I had to see a different doctor who put me on these reflux tablets - ie anti acid and I've had to take those for the past month to rule that out. I've got to make an appointment to go back soon and hopefully find out the next stage. She'd mentioned sending me to a gastric specialist so fingers crossed we can kick that off.

This morning I won't go into detail, but lets just say it's been getting worse for a while now. It's definitely not healthy and it's not good for my kids to see me like that. I get up off the bathroom floor with tears in my eyes from vomiting and I have no strength or energy.

I think it's stress related. It's always worse when I am feeling stressed or down in general.

I gave up on work this morning, I had to - felt too awful. I sent out the essential orders then came home and I have been sat on the sofa at home surfing eBay on my laptop ever since! The house is a complete pigsty and for once I don't really care! I just feel like sitting here and not moving a muscle until I have to crawl up to the school later to pick the kids up!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I get ill when I'm stressed too. Know the feeling. Have you tried lavender oil on your pillow at night? You have to find the cause of your stress and try to remove it :-)