Friday 5 October 2007

The Friday Five - 5th October 2007

Phew! House is (reasonably) tidy and it's almost 2pm meaning I actually have an hour all to myself before I pick the kids up from school! Just about time to answer this week's Friday Five!!

What were the circumstances surrounding your last all-nighter? I recently revamped my entire business website and it had got to the last few little bits of just minor tweaking the code and making cosmetic changes, but these final bits can actually take forever. I had started this last bit fairly early in the evening and by the time it got to around midnight I knew there was still a good few hour’s work left yet, so I figured I may as well just keep on at it until it was done!! By then it just wasn’t worth going to bed so I fell asleep on the sofa around 5am in the morning until it was time to get up and started on the next day!

What’s your favorite stay-awake-and-alert food or drink? I don’t eat when I’m on the go like that. When I’m already deprived of sleep, stopping to eat would just waste precious time, so I exist with LOTS of coffee and chain smoking!

What are you most likely to be doing when you’re up in the late, late hours of the night? I’ll be found sat with my laptop making website changes or surfing eBay… there will be a smoke in the ashtray and a mug of coffee not far away.

In what way does your personality change when you are sleep-deprived? I go into full FBD mode of the worst variety when I am tired. I become ultra snappy with a very short fuse and it’s always best to just give me a pillow, point me in the direction of something comfy to curl up on… and then stay well out of the way.

If you get home extremely tired and extremely hungry, which need are you most likely to satisfy first? Always sleep first. I hate going to bed on a full stomach – I have to keep getting up to pee! Besides, once you’ve got to sleep you aren’t hungry anymore anyway!

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