Saturday 8 March 2008

Crikey what a difference a day makes!!!

Well I have had an absolutely BLINDING day today! For starters I didn’t wake up until 10.30 which almost NEVER happens! I rarely get to sleep in these days because of getting the kids ready for school, get me ready to go into the workshop and then the usual Monday-Friday normality etc. life is so hectic!

So yeah, I had a really good night’s sleep last night and woke up when my body clock said I should instead of the time that the alarm clock screeches at me! It made such a difference to how I felt this morning and unlike yesterday where it was a bad day from the minute I got out of bed … today was a good day right from the start! I didn’t actually get into the workshop until 11.30, but I was able to be there ALL day and I got caught up on a lot of the “nitty gritty” fiddly orders. I replied to all the emails that had built up, called a few customers with queries on their orders … and did a LOT of prep ready to pour everything tomorrow.

Definitely a good day today :-)

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