Tuesday 4 March 2008

I'm not an alcoholic - I'm a drunk! Alcoholics go to meetings!!!

Just watched something interesting on TV called "Mummy Stop Drinking." I thought I'd watch it as it's pretty topical to the post I made this morning about how I should NEVER blog when I have been drinking!

It was definitely interesting. It followed three mums who were filmed by their kids about how much she was drinking. One of the women drank half a bottle of wine a day (in the evening) and SHE had a borderline dependance on alcohol! It made me think about how much *I* am drinking and it's definitely more than I should be!!

Apparently, for a woman it is okay units wise to have ONE glass of wine a night OR 2-3 glasses a couple of times a week.

Fuck I drink WAY more than that.

I've been talking to my girlfriends though and they all drink around the same amount I do, so either we are ALL alcoholics or there is something seriously wrong with the "recommended" amounts over the "realistic" ones!

I could easily put a bottle of wine a night away ... easily. I drink rose wine (white zinfandel which is actually pink! LOL) and it is SOOO easy to drink because it's refreshing and fruity. I probably drink 4 GOOD full up glasses of wine a night ... but I DO have nights where I choose consciously not to drink.
I think the fact that I have an awareness about my drinking habits and alcohol intake is a good thing! Alcohol doesn't currently interfere with my life in any way, and I don't EVER feel I need a drink in the mornings! It is something that is reserved purely for the evenings once the children are in bed. I think once it gets to the point where it is having an effect on your daily life and stopping you from getting things done ... THEN it is a problem!
Thing is ... are you capable of realising you have a problem BEFORE it becomes a problem?
I think I just need to make sure I have a couple of nights a week where I don't drink anything at all ... to prove a point! LOL nothing to do with overcompensating on the other five nights! HAH!
Okay, going to bed now! LOL It's gone midnight now and I am shattered!!!

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