Tuesday 25 March 2008

Toothpaste? Who'da thunk it!!!

So at work today, my friend L comes in and says straight away ...


I reply thanks, as I was particularly proud of this one. Having just got rid of a spot on the corner of my mouth that lasted a week, I was mildly pissed off when this one decided to erupt and ripen into a great big huge mountain from the time I went to bed and the time I woke up today!

Anyway, L says "do you know what's really good for spots?"

"What?????" I drop what I am doing and look at her!


I asked her if she was serious and she told me she was deadly serious! Apparently her teenage daughter had imparted this genius piece of information to her and she'd tried it and seen it with her own eyes!

Soooooo! LOL When I got home from work, I dabbed toothpaste (just regular colgate - nothing special) onto my red mountain.

Six hours later .... my huge enormous spot that took over my entire chin is definitely DEFINITELY smaller. It's less red & angry, smaller in size and the huge eruption in the middle has disappeared.

It's crazy. I'll know for sure by the morning, but the amount of money that people spend on spot/acne creams when they have something that does the job already in their bathroom cupboard? LOL

I wish I'd taken a before "photo" now! LOL the difference is incredible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks dee my face is covered in spots :]