Friday 7 March 2008

Friday Five - March 7th

Ooooh I'm going to like this one!

What is your keyring like? Full up! I have (hang on I gotta count em up!) 8 separate keys for work! One for the main downstairs door, one for my understairs storage cupboard, one for each of two stairwells, plus the main workshop and two locked doors within the workshop, plus the security gate outside! I also have a front door & back door key to my house, plus a car key and umm spare keys to my mother's house! Yeah, full up is a good way to describe my keyring!

What is your bag like? My handbag is the most perfect bag in the world. It is dark brown and around 10" square with a long adjustable strap that I wear across my shoulder most of the time. It has a zip up pocket on the front for my "looseables" and another zip up pocket plus compartments inside. It is the perfect size to take my purse, keys, phone and other assorted "clutter" that I carry around with room to spare without being TOO big! Before that, I had a massive bag and carried the weight of the world around with me! LOL

What is your purse like? Pretty boring really. It's plain black with a coin purse on one side and a wallet for notes & cards in the other. Pretty standard really!

What is your mousepad like? I have a laptop so I don't use a mousepad!

What are the curtains in your bedroom like? Ummm floor length and lilac - that's about all the description I can give really!!

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