Friday 18 April 2008

Friday Five - 18th April 2008

Gawd it's been ages since I did the Friday Five!! It's usually Saturday morning by the time I remember! This week's one looks like fun ... it's all about over-use!!

1. What’s a catchphrase that gets overused at your workplace? Erm now that would either be a few choice rude words when I drop wax on myself or burn myself, or how I say "Cool Beans" out loud (to nobody in particular!) when something works perfectly!!

2. What item in your house has seen too much use lately? Can a girl admit that on a public forum?

What’s a word or phrase your friends would ask you to use a lot less, if you were to ask their opinion? LOL that would be "yeah okay" or "yeah right" or just "yeah" in general. I'm such a cynic these days!

What’s something in your life that’s pretty much been used up and needs replacing? My sanity! That counts, right? Especially recently - I have been so stressed out and I feel totally used up and dried out!

In what way have you been overused lately? There are so many ways I could answer this! See my answer to the above! I do think people take advantage of my good nature sometimes. I will always do whatever I can to help out my friends - even sometimes when I have to actually put myself out to help someone else. I do it out of love / respect for those I care about ... but sometimes I should just say no!

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