Tuesday 29 April 2008

Is this a record for good days in a row???

Today has been another good day and it worries me. I am now worried that things are now going too well... damn how long has it been since I have had four good days in a row??? Grrrr, see the pessimist in me thinks that this can't be right - that this is ME and I'm not allowed for things to run smoothly in my life! Whenever things work out something ALWAYS goes wrong so I'm kind of just waiting for it, and that is NOT a good thing for my anxiety!!

I got so much done at work --- and a butt load of orders poured. Yep, you read correctly ... there have actually BEEN orders over the last few days!! I don't know ... maybe it was due to the fact that mid April people really do have absolutely NO money ... still, at least I know it's not just me ... I've spoken to so many other small businesses and they are all in the same position.

Still, the fact that things have somewhat picked up mean that I'm not QUITE in need of my stress kit yet ....

I need to print this A4 size and pin it up somewhere!

So back to today ... I got a full run of hurricanes made plus a buttload of orders poured ready to pack and dispatch tomorrow ... I love being so motivated and ready for work! I am definitely at my best when I am busy!

I'm still thinking a LOT about my other "option" at the moment and it IS a very real serious possibility. There are only two things stopping me from going for it right now ... one is the business - I need to be able to prove to myself that it can support me ... and the other I can't say here. All I'll say about the other "thing" is that the likelihood of it EVER happening is more than slim ... but it's still something that affects me hugely on a daily basis. Damn that's already too much said on a public space!!!

So anyway swiftly changing the subject .... crap I can't now I've been thinking about it! Okay I'm heading to bed - LOL easier that way!!!

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