Tuesday 1 April 2008

I love days off!!

... I really do! I had worked the last two weeks pretty much solidly and my last day off was easter sunday so I felt I deserved a day off today! I have had an absolutely fantastic day too .... want to know what I did?

The sum total of absolutely naff all! I plonked myself on the sofa, armed myself with a coffee and a smoke, turned the TV over to either Maury or Jeremy Kyle or similar "nonsense" type TV and sat on the sofa for most of the day!!!

Okay well that's not technically true! I did do minor housework (necessary surface clearing only!) then I spent a good hour cleaning up my scrap room so that I can start working on my new comission for a 20 page scrapbook album. I am very excited about this project :-) I'd lost my mojo for a bit there, but just stroking all my embellishments brought it aaaaallll back!!

1 comment:

Middle Man said...

Shame on you:
