Sunday 13 April 2008

A good Sunday always involves gardening :-)

Yeah it's been a good day today! I went into work for a bit but can't do a huge amount until my wax delivery on Tuesday, so I've been doing packaging and working on the website updates mainly. It is soooo frustrating having the kids on school holidays cutting my working hours, but even MORE frustrating that I have no wax!!

So anyway, this afternoon after I'd finished work ended up as a bit of an accidental brainstorming session to help a friend out! What started off as a conversation about (I believe it was my lettuces! LOL) ended up suddenly going off on a tangent with all kinds of ideas! It's always good to see your friends with a smile on their face too. I know most of my good friends are as stressed out in real life as I am, and seeing someone else smiling, motivated and positive made me feel that way too :-)

Aaaaaaaanyway teensy quick gardening update! My 3rd batch of lettuces have sprung up ALREADY!! I only planted them on THURSDAY last week! I checked them this morning and almost fell off my feet when I saw that the majority of them have popped up overnight! That is literally 3 days to germinate into baby seedlings!! Wow!! These are all the mixed spicy lettuce variety too - my favourites! The chervill seedlings are doing okay - as are the basil ones ... but no cucumbers yet... well, there IS one, but I am not entirely sure that it is a cucumber as I planted individual seeds in the middle of the cells and this little thing has popped up to one side. I can't see how weeds have found their way into compost stored in a conservatory ... so I will have to wait and see on those! Still - the 3 day lettuces have MORE than made up for it!

I'm getting old and sad huh! But I tell ya it makes me happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your gardening updates! Makes me smile and wish I'd had a chance to start somethign off - maybe next year!