Friday, 30 November 2007

REALLY Bizarre thing ..............

Okay after answering this week's Friday Five and Evel Knievel being mentioned ... I found out he DIED TODAY. How spooky and bizarre is that!!

Friday night and feelin' fine!!!

I've been chatting to a few people today about how I know I am busier than last year because the figures show it... yet this time last year I had two permanent part time staff members and this year I am on my own (other than friends helping out for odd hours!) and I don't feel like I am doing as much! It doesn't make sense! It's crazy!

The only answer I have is that I am highly motivated right now and very much on top of things in the workshop. Most orders are being poured and dispatched within a couple of days (some even next day) which is terrific ... I just don't feel as overwhelmed with it all. I just seen to be in a really good place emotionally and mentally right now.

I also can't stop thinking about a shop! It is definitely where I need to be within a couple of years minimum. I've spent this last year pulling myself out of the crap and next year has to be about balancing that out and ticking over okay! I know what I am like though, and when I get a bee in my bonnet about something then I don't tend to hang around! I NEED CASH ... about £20K will do it! LOL

Today has been a good day too - I can't remember the last time I had this many good days all in a row and I am almost scared to mention it incase it all stops! LOL! Maybe karma is finally paying me back! I had a good day at work today, got eleventy hundred boxes packed for dispatch (ok that's an exaggeration but it felt like that!), plus more orders completed to pack up over the weekend. The kids behaved themselves this afternoon after school, and then this evening I've drafted the December e-newsletter ready to send out over the weekend, worked on the website for a bit and finished off what I needed to do for my new fabby range of candles!!!

Feels bizarre to be in such a good place for so many days in a row! Let's see what the weekend brings!!

Friday Five - 30th November 2007

This week's Friday five are a little on the weird side but I'm always one for a challenge, so here goes!!!!

Are you a mentalist or an illusionist? I am definitely a mentalist... this is how Wikepedia defines it ....

The term mentalist refers to entertainers whose performance appears to be based on "psychic" abilities, featuring the ability to read minds, project the mind to alter the state of matter, foretell the future, and see distant and hidden objects. This branch of magic is referred to as "mentalism".

You see, an illusionist creates things that aren't really there, and although I have my demons and personal secrets ... what you see is what you get with me! I can also read tarot and have a firm belief in the spiritual world and free will.

You're on a roll - do you feel the roll you are on? Hell yes!!! This question is perfectly timed because I really do feel like I am on a roll at the moment. Business has picked up and life - for the first time in a long time - is good!!

How many performances a week? Every day!!!! Life isn't a rehearsal and you have to get out there and grab every single opportunity that comes along for you. Don't rehearse - perform!!!!

Is there a little bit of Evel Knievel in you? A daredevil? Ohhhh yes!! See previous answer! People who don't dare, don't live and it's that simple!! What is the point in going through life just accepting and plodding? You sometimes have to go looking for opportunities because they sure as heck won't always land in your lap. Sometimes that involves being a bit of a daredevil. I love rollercoasters though and my life has certainly been one!!!

How much of what you do is physical? My work is very physical! Wax is delivered in 25kg sacks which have to be taken upstairs to the workshop (43 steps and yes I counted them!) I am constantly on my feet on the go during the day pouring candles, and packing boxes is very physically demanding!! My evenings tend to be less physical (unless I'm at the workshop) - I'm usually found on the sofa with my laptop balanced with a glass of wine working on my website ... picture big comfy dressing gown & slippers with my feet up on the table!

Thursday, 29 November 2007

Thursday already? Egads!!!!

Crikey where has this week gone?! I can't believe it's Thursday evening already. It's been a crazy week for business and the good news is that since I last blogged I am now over £300 up on last November instead of £600 down!! **doing the happy candlemaker dance** (Oh it's a serious dance but nobody else ever sees it! LOL) Anyway, the figures put a huge smile on my face because it proved my hard work has paid off!!!

I've worked like a madwoman most of this week (or should that be an elf - hey maybe I should get a hat! LOL) and I even got nick-named "Little Miss Glitter-bottom" because of the trail of glitter I leave behind me! LOL I can't help it! I am a candlemaker and it's Christmas .... glitter comes with the territory! Heck I love it! Share a little glitter lurve!!!

Orders have definitely picked up but I'm still getting the odd day with absolutely no orders through the website and that isn't good! If I had a shop ..... it just wouldn't happen that there was a whole day without a single sale!!! On the other hand though it is balanced with days where every time I check email there's another order, so a fair swap is no robbery eh!!!

So here I am - on what is my tenth wedding anniversary with a glass of wine (it's 9pm and only my 3rd glass - am doing well!) and a smoke, writing this and working on the website! LOL

Soooo anyway LOL I have designed (only on paper so far) a new range of candles that I am really excited about. I probably won't have a chance to make it, design the labels and get it launched in time for Christmas, but I will try! If not, it will be my NBT (new big thing LOL) to launch for the new year. Ooooh I may hold back on it actually ... ohhhh I don't know (that'll be the wine then! HAH) I'll make a decision on that in the morning!!! All I will say here is that it features original and very very funny (in my humble opinion!!!) poems written by yours truly!! I'm sh*t hot! LOL

So okay the fact that I am now up on last year and have a new product to launch .... plus I've been mega busy this week ... yep ... I do believe I am still smiling!!!!

(ok 4th glass of wine now!)

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Dreams for the future .........

I've spent pretty much the entire weekend in the workshop! I poured all day Saturday and all day today to the point where I literally had to stop late this afternoon because I ran out of wax! LOL

I like being on top of things (no filthy comments please!!!) because it gives me a huge ego boost to look at the order board and know that I am up to date on things. I did discover from looking back on the records that I am £600 down for November on where I was last year and that isn't good... but it explains why I feel on top of things ... it's because I should be busier!! I've updated the website recently and sent out a newsletter to my email subscribers ... but beyond that there isn't much I can do.

I need a shop. I NEED a shop. I NEED A SHOP!!!

If I had a retail shop right in the middle of Brighton I would be guaranteed passing daily trade on top of whatever the website brings in. It's a student town, so every year I would have a fresh batch of blood - I mean new customers. The smell wafting out of the door would drive people inside in their droves!!!

I've actually thought of little else over the last few days. My dream has always been to have a retail shop and it's coming to the point where I think I am going to need it to stay afloat.

I have a terrific product - everybody who tries my candles tells me so! I am really good at what I do and I'm not just saying that to blow my own trumpet! I put time, effort and experience into what I do and I make damned good candles!! I have so many ideas to take the business forward and to do that I need to get my accounts up to date and then I need a serious cash injection.

With enough money I can ...

* Get the essential business tax debts paid off.
* Secure premises and pay rent for at least the first 6 months in advance so I don't need to worry for the first couple of months of trading.
* Buy enough supplies to make enough to stock the shop!
* Buy fixtures and fittings for the shop.
* Employ enough people to train up and help make / pack the stock.
* Still keep the website running.
* Pay my normal ongoing business bills (phone, water, rates, etc)

I have so many ideas! While I was pouring away today, I even thought about the decor of the shop, how I would lay it all out, what scents I would have burning at which times of year etc to draw people in! Heck I even started a spreadsheet on the things I would want to have on the shelves as a minimum by opening day! We'd have a twice weekly run from the workshop down to the shop to re-stock anything that their stock room is running low on. I'd do this as it would give me the opportunity to go down and keep an eye on things!

I'd employ three people initially at the shop. One full time manager to oversee the general running of the shop, then one full time and one part time to work behind the counter and help customers with choosing appropriate things (full training would be given! LOL I know how to sell my stuff). I could potentially also work at the shop on the manager's days off to make sure it's all running okay and sort out any problems there.

In the workshop I would initially want two people permanently packaging and wrapping. This would include packaging stock for the shop and dispatching orders out to website customers. In the pouring room I would want two other people alongside me - one making purely votives, hurricane candles, tealights and wax chunks, then another doing the pillars and larger stuff. There would also need to be one main person as a manager who would need to be trained in everything to oversee the general running of the workshop and float between the pouring room and packing area depending on where they were needed.... basically a mini-me!

The cash injection to fuel this project would also need to be enough to pay these 6 staff members for the first few months in business plus the on-going costs and overheads (heat, electric etc). I'd also want a weekly book-keeper and a monthly accountant!

BUT on top of this I could also employ party plan agents to do all of the parties for me and run all the training from the shop back room too.

The thing is, I KNOW that once this baby is up and running, I would be flying without wings! This time of year the shop would be FULL of glitter, Christmassy warm and welcoming scents and colours. Decoration would be subtle and be along the lines of greenery and berries. Not overly in your face tinsel with flashing lights ... but understated elegance instead!! I'd have the Christmas three wicks (which look stunning!) on a round table, shown off on their holders with twigs and berries all around them, foil glitters and tealights scattered across the table and just MAKE people want to re-create that in their homes! Of course the Christmas tree candles would have their own fabulously glittery display! LOL After Christmas I'd get ready for a mass January sale before launching the hearts for Valentines day! I've even planned the valentines decoration that I won't bore you with ... then there is usually a lull between March - August where I'd need to boost summer sales and garden candles plus you have father's day and mother's day where I could promote beer candles and gift sets respectively LOL .... then August - September is always hell for website sales until Christmas sales pick up, but in BRIGHTON in a SHOP I'd have all that wonderful touristy passing trade to lap up!!!

I would have large photographs all over the walls of the shop showing the candles in different rooms / scenarios. Show the romantic bedroom setting, the candles around the tub, floating candles in a garden etc. SHOW people how to use them in their homes!


Where do I get a metric fuckload of money from though? I guess I had better start playing the lottery!!!!

Friday, 23 November 2007

Friday Five - 23rd November 2007

Oooooh what a really good set of questions this week!!! I love photography so this will be a good set to answer!!

If a really, really good photographer — the kind who always makes you look good and still look like you — were to take your photo right now, what would be a good title for it? - It would be called something like "Just Being Dee" because right now I am sat on my sofa with my laptop having just finished website updates... I am wearing "comfy" clothes and my fluffy slippers (ie definitely not looking fabulous!!) have a glass of wine on one side and a smoke on the other ... this is typical me when I am working on the website or computer stuff in the evenings!! So yes, it would be called "Just Being Dee"

If that photo were so good it belonged on the cover of a magazine, what would be a good choice, based on where you are and what you’re doing? LOL probably something like "Struggling Business Owner's Weekly" HAH I'm here on a Friday night working on the website instead of out on the town!!

If you took an interesting or aesthetically pleasing photo of something in your view right now, what might it be, and what would its title be? Ummmm, errrr (desperately looking around the front room for inspiration!!!) It couldn't be done with one photograph, but a series of pictures representing the family way of life and the fact that every one of us in the house has our nose in a computer at this exact moment!!!

Among people you know, who seems to have a knack for taking great shots of people? My sister & brother in law. They are both excellent photographers and if I ever need to hand my own camera over to someone to take a shot of me ... I'd choose either of them in an instant!!

Are you usually happier with candid photos of you, or photos you’ve posed for? Definitely candid without a doubt. I do like posed shots when it's representing something ie a trip somewhere, or posing with a friend ... but to me the whole point of taking a photograph is to capture a snapshot of time .... to pause life for that split second and capture it absolutely. The ONLY way to do that is with candid shots.

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Still grinning!!!

The phone carried on being non stop yesterday and I found myself so engrossed in work and getting on with things that I managed to just about get home in time to pick the children up from school! I had call after call - party bookings, order enquiries and people just telling me how great I was!!! LOL

Today has been a really good day too. I haven't had any staff in this week so I have had to work harder, but somehow I just seem more energised and more motivated than I have felt in a long time.

I think part of it is because this time last year when it was ALL **** I promised myself that I would give it until Christmas before making a decision on whether it's all actually worth it, or whether I am better off just selling up and being done with it. I could have worked MUCH harder this year, it's true and I could have put more into it, but to be perfectly honest it hasn't been the best year in my personal life which has made concentrating on the business that much harder. It hasn't really been a fair deal that I made myself.

Next year will be different. I am NOT going to sell up. I am NOT going to fail. Things have already picked up and as long as I carry on being pro-active in my marketing and making sure people know that I exist - then I WILL succeed!!!

A good day all round ... again! I shall have to be careful or this will become a habit!!

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

I can't stop grinning!!!!!!!!

I am just having the BEST day and it's not even midday!!! Normally when the telephone rings at work, I take a very deep breath and try and answer it with a smile while I am secretly wondering who wants my money (or my blood - or both!!) ... but today? OMG it's just been the best day!!

First call of the day was a woman confirming a candle party booking for early December - she hadn't bought from me before, but had mentioned to a friend of hers (who happened to BE a customer of mine!) that she fancied a candle party but didn't want the well known American candle party company ... and her friend told her all about me and how great I was, how my candles were super strong scented and she'd burned nothing like them before etc!!

Inflate ego part 1!

Next phone call was a woman who started by giving me her order number and I got ready to hear "and I haven't received my order yet" ... but what I actually heard was her thanking me for getting her candles out so quickly and how wonderful it all smelled!!! This was a first time customer and she put another order in over the phone for Christmas presents for her friends!!

Ego pretty inflated already but heck always room for bigger eh!! By this time I am smiling just a bit!!!

I get on with packing up some more orders and realise I REALLY need to order packaging (bubble wrap, styrofoam peanuts and more boxes). There's enough money in the biz account to order what I need, but I actually owe this company money from previous orders and can't afford to pay it off, so I had put off placing a new order. Bit of background - the business really struggled in the early part of the year and I had called the packaging company to put in a small order and mentioned about the cash flow problem. They were SO great and understanding, and because I had been a very loyal customer of theirs for so many years, they said I could order what I needed and not worry about it for a few months. How amazing was that! Because I'd been loyal to them and a good customer over the years, they helped me out a lot. Anyway I called them today to place the new order and I mentioned what I owed ... again they told me not to worry about it but just to send them some extra money via PayPal when I could.

I feel very lucky to have such a wonderful company as part of my supply source and I am going to plug them here!! If you need packaging in the UK, it HAS to be Box it In - Steve and Faye are both fantastic and the customer service can't be beaten!!!

So yes, feeling very smug from the couple of calls earlier and very looked after by Box it In, I just took another call!! This woman told me that her daughter in law had been buying from me for years and was a regular customer of mine and had got her started on my stuff too and how amazed they had all been about the quality and the strength!!! She said to me that she couldn't think of anything better to get her daughter in law for Christmas than some DeeLights candles!!!!

Feeling smug with a huge grin on a very inflated head that just may not make it through the door!!!!!!

Aching back & feet and no voice! Must be a UB40 concert!!!

I saw UB40 at the Brighton Centre last night and I have a very sore throat and my entire body aches from so much singing and dancing!!! It's pretty much an anual thing for me - UB40 always play at the Brighton Centre in November and I wasn't about to miss out on tickets for this year after missing out last year! I've been to see them quite a few times and they are one of my favourite bands!

They did all the best songs too - loads from the very early days right up to some from their latest "Who you fighting for" album and some from a new album out in a couple of months. I almost didn't recognise Norman Hassan though - he'd put on a load of weight and grown a goatee! LOL I sang along to everything and danced my butt off!!!!

Ahhh what a great night. Thoroughly enjoyed myself!!!

Monday, 19 November 2007

My mum said something nice to me today....

Gawd that actually sounds like she never says anything nice but I don't mean it like that! She says lots of nice things often!! Okay bit of background on the start of the day!

I rang the doctor first this morning to make an appointment to go down and get a repeat prescription for my tablets and was able to go down within a couple of hours. The doc asked me how I'd been doing on the tablets and I said that I'd noticed the physical aspects of the anxiety had definitely lessened - I told her that I loved them! That in the month I had been on them I had noticed a real physical difference and that I could feel the stress levels just bubbling instead of boiling, but that my friends and family had mentioned more of an "emotional" difference in me. I grinned at that and doc said that they do usually take some time to work and that it was good I'd noticed a difference already. I really like this doctor - she is the first one that really listened to me and I've been seeing her since when I first went down there about being sick. She also made sure I was exercising still and making an effort with reducing stress in other aspects of my life. She's good - I really like her.

So back to mother and the nice thing!! I spoke to her on the phone today to let her know I'd been back to the doctor today and I repeated what I'd said about friends and family noticing a difference over the last month - she laughed and emphatically agreed! I asked her to explain what she meant and she found it really difficult to put into words but that what she was trying to say was that her daughter was back.

I was really touched by that. It put a smile on my face :-)

Sunday, 18 November 2007

The most comfortable knickers in the world!!!

LOL I just can't stop raving about the knickers I bought from M&S yesterday! I showed my mum today (the knickers, not me wearing them!) and have texted several girlfriends to tell them to get down there and buy some!!! I tried putting the link here but it wouldn't work as it's cached in a shopping cart, but go to and search product code " T618732C" - they are called "No VPL Low Rise Shorts". The fact that they happen to be no VPL (visible pantie line to the uninitiated!) is just a bonus but seriously, the boy shorts are very flattering to anybody's figure and I got them in black so they still look sexy ... but it's the comfort factor! They are soooooooo comfy!

Did I say it enough yet?? Girls, go buy these knickers! I didn't even try them on in the shop - went for the size I know I would normally wear and they fitted perfectly, PLUS they are on 4 for a tenner at the moment!!

Buy some! You won't be disappointed!!!!

Saturday, 17 November 2007

Crikey where did the last 3 days go????

Well work has been pretty frantic to say the least! I honestly can't believe where the last few days have gone and it's Saturday evening already! Ohhh yeah, I've been working, working and working some more! LOL

I went into work for a bit today to do a little bit of catch up and I found myself getting worried about the order levels ... as in I don't have many current orders in... I could feel my stress starting to rise until I reminded myself that I've actually been fairly on top of orders recently so things are being poured, packed and going out quickly ... which is exactly WHY there aren't many current orders!!

I don't have enough hours in the day to get everything done, but I am finding myself starting to worry again about what I still need to do AND the fact that I don't have enough to do! Yeah, figure THAT one out!!! It isn't as if I am behind on orders at all, (aside from one but that's in hand) yet I still find the panic rising as I stand there and look at the few current orders that are in at the moment. It's the middle of November - people should be starting to buy for Christmas by now. I should have MORE orders, that's the problem!!! I'm up on where I was this time last year, but waaaay down on where I was a couple of years ago and that makes me depressed.

I also worry about the fact that I can either afford to make a payment towards my rent (that I am behind on) or order wax. If I don't order wax I won't be able to fill orders, so this week the priority has to be on wax.

I did however siphon off (I just learned how to actually spell siphon and I PRIDE myself on my spelling & grammar!) some cash to buy myself a pretty new bra and matching thong this afternoon! Megan needed a new dressing gown so I took her up to M&S, and after we were done shopping for her, I found myself in the lingerie department! I love that store because they are one of the only places locally where you can buy a pretty F cup bra off the shelf and trained fitters to help you out!! I also picked myself up a couple of pairs of black french knickers and some plain black "no VPL" boyshorts. 4 pairs for a tenner - couldn't resist THAT one!!!

OK more happy stuff, I love the fact that the workshop is clean and tidy! I really wish I'd done it months ago! It was this time last week I started on the mass clean up and a week later I've stayed on top of it and it's still all clean and tidy! It's so nice to walk in there and not have to sigh because the place is an absolute sh*t tip! Candlemaking IS messy work - FACT, so it will never be spotless and "Dee-Clean" but it's looking good!!

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Wasted days and more stress

I've been trying not to let on how stressed I have been feeling under the surface, but the last few days have actually been quite tough.

I went into work on Monday morning and had forgotten how clean the place was, so that was a nice surprise at least, but a candlemaker with no wax can't make many candles!! I loaded up the vats with what was left and as I'd already cleaned up and boxed up everything else, I went home at midday! My wax delivery was due that afternoon, but I hadn't fancied hanging around scratching my bum as I waited for it!! I knew the driver would leave it outside the door and that would be fine!

Yesterday Nathan had an occupational therapy appointment at 10.45 which was an awful time!! I dropped him at school at 9, had time to head into work to check email, make a couple of calls and bring in the wax delivery before I had to leave to take him to the appointment!! By the time he was back at school it was 12.15, and as it takes an hour at least for my wax to heat up to a useable temperature, it wasn't worth me going back to work!!

I told myself yesterday was only a wasted day if I let it be wasted, so I had a quick tidy up at home and did some work on the website, but I feel so far behind now. I have to go in this morning already a few days behind where my delivery was late (it should have arrived Friday but the supplier was running behind too!) and it's not good for my stress levels.

I've been managing to keep it in check though and I've kind of kept it to myself because there hasn't been anything that I or anyone else can do about it!! I have B in at work tomorrow & Fri mornings, so I should be hopefully caught up by the end of this weekend.

The appointment Nathan had was to help with manual dexterity, holding pens, scissors & cutlery properly, helping him with letter forming etc. He can write and read very well but he tends to "draw" his letters rather than writing him, so he's getting help and support with that. I'm really chuffed that he's getting the help he needs. Pushy parents rule!! If I hadn't constantly hassled the doctors for Nathan's initial diagnosis, and then kept phoning and phoning to try and get him bumped up the waiting list ... ugh I dread to think where we'd be! He seems to be a really happy and well adjusted little boy at the moment though, so that's great!

Can't believe it's Wednesday already!!!

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Not just clean, but "Dee Clean!"

Well okay maybe it's not quite "Dee Clean" standard, but the workshop is looking mighty clean and tidy after my weekend spent in there clearing up! I'd been expecting a wax delivery Friday afternoon that didn't show up so that will arrive Monday, but I hadn't wanted to waste the weekend. I am pretty much out of wax so I made a conscious decision to go in there Saturday and Sunday for most of the day and have a damned good clear up!!

I don't have a vacuum up there so I had to sweep the main floor and it's really cheap naff horrible carpet that is a beast to sweep and it took forever. I did a couple of dump runs too, so I definitely got a good arm workout this weekend!

I laugh at myself when I start tackling a big project like that because it's always the same. I start tidying up and it then goes through a period of looking worse than it did before I started while I stand there and think why the **** did I ever start this!! Then when it's all clean and shiny I stand there and feel smug! The main packing area is all re-organised with packing stations set up ready for the Christmas rush. I've made separate areas for different types of orders and re-arranged the stock room!

It's almost a shame to go to work on Monday and mess it all up with wax again!

Other than that a pretty mundane weekend with nothing much to report!!

Friday, 9 November 2007

Friday Five - 9th November 2007

This weeks Friday Five is all about suspense ....

What’s something that’s hanging from your ceiling? - I have a ton of wind chimes and mobiles hanging from the ceiling. I love the sound they make in the breeze ... aaah!

What’s something that’s hanging on your wall? - Photographs and lots of them!

What’s something that’s hanging in your closet? - Other than clothes? LOL I have a very boring wardrobe. Clothes hanging up and shoes on the floor. I do have some hooks screwed in at the sides of the wardrobe where I hang my various different bags if that counts? Haha!

What’s hanging from your rear-view mirror? - I have a lil scented bunny rabbit hanging from my mirror :-)

What have you been hanging onto for too long? - I am a hoarder by nature and I hate to throw things away, especially if they just might be useful again for something one day eventually .... LOL

If things don't change they stay the same!

I've had a manic couple of days so not much time to blog, but here's a very quick update and rundown!!

Dairy-Free - I'll admit I've "cheated" since I started this 3 weeks ago because there have been times where it's been absolutely impossible to avoid dairy products! There have also been times where I've caved and had a pizza or nachos (smothered in cheese!) but what that has done is shown that I DO tend to be MORE nauseous and throw up on days where I have eaten dairy, and especially cheese .... soooo I do think I have a dairy "intolerance" but it won't stop me from eating it - it's just more of an awareness. Yesterday was a totally dairy free day and I am absolutely fine this morning!

Stress Levels - I can happily report that they are lower! It's probably a combination of everything that I am doing at the moment plus the pills, but whatever it is, it seems to be working. I am also trying very hard to change my way of thinking so that instead of approaching something with a negative attitude, I am slapping myself upside the head and trying to be positive.

Weight - I haven't been "trying" to lose weight and haven't been on any diets (aside from the crappy dairy free thing recently), but it's just been a very welcome side effect from stress and I have lost almost two stone in the last year or so. I actually weigh less now than I have done in a long time, and for the first time in a long time, I can look in the mirror and actually not be completely repelled by what I see. I'm not even sure that it's just down to the weight loss .... I think my self esteem is finally building - slowly but surely! I feel positive and happy with my figure, knowing that I actually really do look good, and that makes me feel better.

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

The urge to strangle someone

I've read somewhere that stress is the body's attempt at overiding that strong inner urge to strangle someone who so richly deserves it.... or words to that effect anyway! I can well believe it! After my 'Supermarket Melt-down' a few weeks ago ... I was truly ready to strangle the living shit outta someone - anyone! :=) but thankfully things seem to be much better now.

The tablets are definitely taking the edge off of the physical symptoms of anxiety and making things more "cope-with-able" and having the rest of the household make more of an effort to clean up after themselves just lifts my spirits when I walk through the door after work and am not faced with a mountain of housework!!

Despite the fact that the last couple of days have flown by, I can't believe it's still only Wednesday! I had to work harder and longer yesterday and today to make up for my decadent afternoon on Monday *grin* but it was worth it! Roll on the weekend :-)

Monday, 5 November 2007

Grinning like a Cheshire Cat :-)

I've had an absolutely brilliant day today! From start to finish it all just went like clockwork with a few very nice very unexpected surprises too! I checked email and found a ton of orders had come in over the weekend. Very nice! Also, one of my wholesale customers who buys my hurricane candles faster than I can make them had sent me an email letting me know she needed more and would call me to make the order..... sooooooo instead of waiting around for a call, I picked up the phone and called her! 10 mins on the phone and a £260 order later ... I had a very big grin on my face!

I then had a friend unexpectedly drop in at the workshop for a quick chat just as I was finishing up, and my afternoon was blissfully wonderful!

It's all good :-) God I love a good day!!!

Sunday, 4 November 2007

Work stuff & general update

Okay well in the few days since I've blogged (not counting the fact that this is actually my 3rd post today!) things have calmed down a LOT.

Home seems to be more stress free and I'm honestly not sure if it's just because I am more aware of things that stress me out now and I am trying to avoid or eliminate them ... or whether it's the happy pills chilling me out, or if it's because hub and the kids are all making more of an effort not to piss me off so much!

It's probably a combination of all of the above!

Work is also kind of up to date. Friday was a really manic busy morning! B was in and between us we cracked out ALL of the orders that needed to be packaged and boxed up by the time her shift was over, then I spent the rest of Friday afternoon feeling like complete crap! I was cold, shivery and tired and just felt bllleeeueuuuuugghhhh .... you know the feeling! Saturday I wasn't feeling much better and by 9.30pm Saturday evening I was tucked up in bed!!

Bit of a lazy day today too - got up at 9.30am after a gorgeous 12 hours sleep and worked on the website. I should have gone into the workshop, but it's been time well spent today!

So yeah, after the meltdown in Sainsburys a couple of weeks ago it's all been relatively calm. I do think the tablets are definitely working now as my friends have commented that I don't seem to be as harrassed and strung out as "normal" ... so that's a good thing!

I just wish they didn't make me so TIRED! I think last night was the best nights sleep that I've had in a long time and I feel a lot better for it.

Witches & Ninja ghosts - must be Halloween!!!

Ok so I am posting this a lil late but I've had a stress free weekend (more about that earlier!) This year I gave in when they asked if they could go trick or treating. I've always said no in the past as I feel A) it's an American tradition that others have pinched and not necessarily a British one, and B) I disagree with hassling people in their own homes!

This year I knocked on the neighbours doors in advance and asked them if it would be okay if my children and some of the others from the road could knock on their door on Halloween afternoon after school (timed so it wouldn't be dark and scare the elderly residents of our road!). I offered to give them the them sweets so it wouldn't cost them anything and told them what time (ish) we would be calling. There was actually only one neighbour that said no and he said that was only because he wouldn't be there.

The kids had a brilliant time and really enjoyed dressing up as well as all of the chocolate and candy that they scored! I was grateful to our neighbours for playing along too :-)

Who are you and what have you done with my mother????

... were the words uttered by my 9 year old daughter while we were standing in the middle of Brantano (shoe shop) earlier today! She had needed a new pair of school shoes and there was a buy one get one half price sale. You didn't need to tell me twice ... I was off to the ladies size 7 shoes and you know what? Nothing! Absolutely nothing was calling out "Buy me, BUY ME" in the way that shoes normally do and I was really disappointed. There were lots of sandals and party heels but nothing dissimilar to what I already own, and the only pair I actually fancied the look of were £40 .... and I didn't like them that much that I could justify spending £40 JUST to get a £10 pair of shoes for Megan half price!!

She had me in hysterics .... "Who are you and what have you done with my mother?" with a funny put on "evil" look on her face! She KNOWS me! I asked her why she said that and she said "because it's you! Because you love shoes and we are in a shoe shop and you aren't buying shoes!"

She knows me so well! We bought her a pair of slipper socks half price instead :-)