Okay Miss Megan is DEFINITELY getting too grown up!!! This photo was actually taken towards the end of last year at my sister's wedding bash in the UK ... but I think it really reflects the relationship that she and I have. I love that girl more than life itself. She's such a great daughter!
She spends a lot of time on her computer as most kids do these days. Both of my kids are VERY lucky because they have their own computers and an internet connection (fully locked down and secure - trust me on that one!!) Anyway, she uses something called Club Penguin with her school friends where she has her own little penguin and igloo etc and they can all talk together in this virtual penguin world, but I do get concerned about WHO exactly she is talking to.
Megan is such a mature and responsible 9 1/2 year old girl though, and everything she has done recently has only demonstrated that she can be trusted ... and as far as I am concerned as a parent, if my kids SHOW that they can be trusted, then they WILL be trusted, and the apron strings will be loosened a little bit every time!!
She is a sensible girl who LOVES it when she's praised and I'll admit that I don't give her as much praise as she probably deserves!! My relationship with my daughter has got so much better recently and I think she truly does understand that I am here for her, and no matter how bad it may seem, she can tell me anything.
I've talked to her enough about the bad nasty people in the world who do awful things to children, and she has her head screwed on the right way. Her behaviour HAS been pretty much perfect recently - doing well at school, keeping her room tidy, not being in any trouble ... and I have to reward that ... no, I WANT to reward that!
So, I told Megan straight after school that I was going to install MSN for her on her computer. She's had her own email address for a while and emails her friends a LOT (even though she sees them ALL day at school!) and LOL well since I installed it I think I have chatted to my daughter more than I ever have before!! Normally she'd shut her bedroom door after school and I'd only see her if she was hungry! We've chatted loads this afternoon on MSN!
Problem is ... my daughter is now on MSN! HAH!
Nah, I'm joking ... it's been nice actually ... really nice! I was chatting to Leanne, my sister in law on MSN early this evening, and I DID warn her before I gave Megan her addy to add her as a contact! It worked out so nicely as Leanne's kids were home and Megan got to chat to her cousin Ethan (Leanne's eldest) on MSN for a bit before they went to bed!!
Sooo yeah my daughter is on MSN! LOL gawd help us all!
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