If we are being politically correct I'd call 'em male gender candles, but as we aren't ... they are just willy candles!!! Anyway, whatever we are calling them, I made 16 of them yesterday for an order and it can be quite amusing if the candles leak around the wick because where the wax leaks out of the hole ... LOL it looks like - well, err use your imagination!!! HAHA Anyway, today was Willy Candle Clinic day ... where the willies get unmolded and hand finished ready to go out. It was SUCH a laugh I couldn't help taking pics! Excuse the quality as they were taken on my phone...
Here we can see Terri doing "the scraping procedure" part of willy candle clinic! *wicked grin* the candles have a seam line where they are made in 2 piece moulds and this needs to be smoothed down ... this involves using a knife to scrape along the length and over the head of the willy and carve out any irregularities.
Lou came in and joined in the fun for the next step which involves cutting off the wick at the base of the balls and making sure that they stand up right.
It does cause awful problems when the willys wont stay standing up!!!! Don't you agree girls?
Excuse the crappy photo quality - the light was really bright! This is the check for what has affectionately been termed as "blue dick!!" I use a blue coloured sealant around the wick hole and the residue is sometimes left on the surface of the candle. In this case, the head of the willy is closely inspected and any of the blue mould seal is removed to ensure it burns nicely (ouch!)

Sometimes we get what we refer to in the workshop as "waxy syphylis" where there are white markings on the surface of the candle. It's actually due to the wax not being HOT hot, but damn it looks like an STD! LOL!
Luckily wax syphylis can usually be fixed with a quick blast from the heatgun, but sometimes it means the lil fella is a gonner and he gets re-melted again!!
Yeah umm I'm not sure about this photo ... I don't think Terri was intending to actually SNORT the candle but my phone camera was out and snapped away!!!! LOL
It was a brilliant morning - we got all the willys boxed up and sent out, and had such a right laugh in the meantime!!
I love days when I have company in the workshop - especially when it is unpaid labour from good friends just popping in to say hi!
Ahhh a great day!!! I've had a grin on my face all day!
1 comment:
OMG you crack me up!
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