Friday, 13 June 2008

Friday Five - 13th June 2008

Oooerrr Friday 13th. I have a whole pile of whining and venting to do, but I'll save that for a separate post! Gonna cheer myself up with the Friday Five for this week - it's all about "Who?"

Who gave you your last balloon, and what was the occasion? I haven't been given a balloon for YEARS!! The last balloon I gave was on my dad's birthday in September last year. He died in 2003 and we always send helium balloons up for him at sunset.

Who gave you your last scolding, and what was it for? Errr probably a couple of days ago from a friend reminding me how crap I am that I don't know all of my numbers yet for the business!!!

Who gave you your last attaboy, and why? Me! I did when I got through the end of the figures for the the financial year that I have been putting into Excel spreadsheets!!! I deserved it too!

Who gave you your last haircut? I don't know her name, but it was errr around February and it was at Jagos in town.

Who gave you your last massage? I had a professional massage in January 2007 and it was WONDERFUL!! I should really go get another one ... 18 months ago is not good!

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