Thursday, 3 July 2008

Feeling VERY unbirthday!!

It's my birthday on Tuesday next week and I'm feeling the most "unbirthday" that I think I have ever felt! I'm going to be 33 and it's already such a non event! I spoke to my sister on the phone this evening and she asked if it was okay that we didn't do anything the weekend after my birthday as they've made some plans... and my uncle is very *very* ill so my mum is going to be away this weekend, possibly next weekend and chances are she'll be away over my actual birthday anyway!

I'm almost glad in a way that my family are going to be busy! It gives me an excuse not to celebrate it! That sounds weird, and it's not like I want to avoid my birthday in an attempt to avoid getting older - my age doesn't bother me or anything like that ... I just don't feel like I really have anything to celebrate this year!

When I was asked what I wanted for my birthday this year ... ya know I couldn't actually think of anything? Well okay that's not technically true ... I want display tables, a table cloth, a printed vinyl sign and things to set up for the market, plus a list of fragrance oils longer than my two arms put together!!! *sigh* they all refused telling me birthdays are for stuff for ME!

So what DO I want? I can't believe I am saying this but there isn't actually anything I've seen that has cried out "BUY ME!" recently! It's possibly because I'm on such a self imposed spending ban that I don't allow myself to even window shop at the moment! I'm really low on my favourite Jean Paul Gaultier perfume and I need some new comfy flat sandals for the summer (sparkly of course tho in true Dee style!) ... and that's IT!! I'll be working on my birthday anyway ... so it really doesn't matter! LOL

Sad isn't it! There is a whole world of shopping out there at my fingertips and all I can think of for my birthday is perfume and shoes!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your birthday is very important it was the day you were brought into the world.