Okay ... this post will either have you nodding in agreement and then going on quietly in your lives .... or filling my comments box with things like "banish ye wicked witch!" Hopefully it will be the former :-)
In true "Dee" style I have the feeling this may be a long post, so grab a drink and get comfy!!!
... I don't normally blog about politics, and in fact it would normally be the LAST thing I'd find myself writing about, BUT, it's polling day tomorrow and it has only been in the last couple of years that I've realised just how much the government affect ME as a person and how much my individual vote counts. I find myself in utter turmoil and this is only the local polls!
The fall in house prices and the screwed up economy has put me personally in a bad place. This is why I want to really have my vote make a difference. I blame recession and the state of the country on the fall in trade for the business -- and I said this years back. People don't have the disposable income that they used to have because the country has gone to the &*!£$. I have a fairly high mortgage compared to the "current" value of my house and although we're not talking negative equity ... let's just say that if prices drop any further or the country goes further into recession ... then - well it doesn't bear thinking about.
I've been trying to talk to my kids about politics - to bring them up knowing that knowledge is power and that they CAN make a difference as individuals ... yet here I am - admittedly fairly ignorant about politics and debating NOT voting tomorrow!! I really wish that politics could be a part of the national curriculum ... I feel like a bad parent because I've realised that I don't know enough about it to actually teach my children about it. Based on some of the research I've done this evening, that will definitely change very soon!!! Maybe if I'd taken an interest in politics in general at a younger age, I would feel more confident in using my vote!!
I think for most people it comes down to voting for who they think is most likely to win, and that is the WRONG reason to vote! Most people simply don't have the time (or inclination!) to look at every single party's referendums or look at their promises, polices and what they plan on delivering. Even then, do their "policies" mean they are worthy of our vote?? It would seriously take every single party leader coming to my front door and personally explaining how they could make MY life and the UK in general any better for me to be really convinced!
One thing I do know is that I do not want Gordon Brown to be PM. Hands up - I voted labour in, and I sat up through the night watching the results come in and I cheered & celebrated that the guy I'd voted to be PM had got in. Problem is - I, like all of you guys - well none of us voted for Gordon Brown did we!! In my own personal humble opinion, Brown is out of his depth and he has surrounded himself with brainless advisors which has made it worth. The incompetence and control freakery all point to a man who just simply shouldn't be in office!
Thing is, if I vote, I want my vote to count and to WIN. It's as simple as that. Why bother voting unless you actually WANT your vote to count?! The gutting thing is that the party I believe WILL get in at the next general election (clue, it's not gonna be Labour!) - well, they won't be the party that I will be voting for. Honestly - again this is just my humble opinion ... but I think the only disputable thing will be the margin of David Cameron's victory.
Damn I can't believe I am blogging about politics!!! Sometimes these things just HAVE to come out though, and my blog is meant to be the place where I spill my guts about the things on my mind!!
I have changed SO much as a person over the last couple of years and that has a LOT to do with the way that I think these days. I know that being a "sheep" – i.e. just following others for the sake of “an easy life” is not the ideal and that the individual really DOES count. My vote matters whether it’s the local polls or the general election!
It's for this very reason that I will be voting GREEN tomorrow.
The Green party represent everything that I believe wholly in! It kind of goes without saying that they represent a greener & more organic way of living and want to reduce our carbon footprints, support renewable energy and affordable housing that doesn’t kick the crap out of our planet’s resources! The Green Party also support small businesses just like me! They want to “help the unique and the irreplaceable local guys to compete against the multinationals” (direct quote) Not just for me, but for local businesses in general. Give me organic & locally produced fruit & veg over imported crap any day!!!
If you are reading this and can't decide which one of the “major” parties to vote for in the local polls, then vote GREEN!
http://www.greenparty.org.uk/ - check it out for yourself. Their policies represent everything I believe in, and even if they don’t make PM, a vote will count!
Okay enough politics for today! LOL
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Is Dee really blogging about politics????
A drowned rat ... in less than five minutes flat!
Yeah this was the state of me this morning after taking the kids to school! We are LITERALLY two minutes walk from the school and when it is hammering down with rain like it's been today, the kids go straight in, i.e. no hanging around in the playground!! It rained THAT much this morning that in the less than five minutes it took me to get up there and get back to the house .... I was soaked through and had to completely change my clothes!!
Tell me why I live in the UK???? It certainly isn't for the weather!
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Is this a record for good days in a row???
Today has been another good day and it worries me. I am now worried that things are now going too well... damn how long has it been since I have had four good days in a row??? Grrrr, see the pessimist in me thinks that this can't be right - that this is ME and I'm not allowed for things to run smoothly in my life! Whenever things work out something ALWAYS goes wrong so I'm kind of just waiting for it, and that is NOT a good thing for my anxiety!!
I got so much done at work --- and a butt load of orders poured. Yep, you read correctly ... there have actually BEEN orders over the last few days!! I don't know ... maybe it was due to the fact that mid April people really do have absolutely NO money ... still, at least I know it's not just me ... I've spoken to so many other small businesses and they are all in the same position.
Still, the fact that things have somewhat picked up mean that I'm not QUITE in need of my stress kit yet ....
I need to print this A4 size and pin it up somewhere!
So back to today ... I got a full run of hurricanes made plus a buttload of orders poured ready to pack and dispatch tomorrow ... I love being so motivated and ready for work! I am definitely at my best when I am busy!
I'm still thinking a LOT about my other "option" at the moment and it IS a very real serious possibility. There are only two things stopping me from going for it right now ... one is the business - I need to be able to prove to myself that it can support me ... and the other I can't say here. All I'll say about the other "thing" is that the likelihood of it EVER happening is more than slim ... but it's still something that affects me hugely on a daily basis. Damn that's already too much said on a public space!!!
So anyway swiftly changing the subject .... crap I can't now I've been thinking about it! Okay I'm heading to bed - LOL easier that way!!!
Monday, 28 April 2008
I got my mojo back!!!
I was at work with the birds this morning ... ie bright and early after dropping the kids at school ... and by 11.30 I was looking at the clock and AMAZED that it was only 11.30! I got sooooo much done at work - LOL if there had been a camera on me I swear it would have looked like I was on super speed!! There was just something in me today that felt motivated and on one ... I swear it's because I had such a great weekend!
I did some late night shopping last night on eBay. I went to bed fairly early, but I couldn't sleep ... so I surfed eBay for USA & New York scrapbook papers & embellishments! and I think tackling my New York trip would be a GREAT project to get me back in the swing of things! I bought a TON of stuff for my sister too ... to really get her started on it! Hehehe over this weekend I think I may have just created a monster!
I'd lost my scrapping mojo for a bit, but after being creative with mum & my sister over the weekend ... my mojo is back!!! In fact, it's back so much that I spent quite a while this evening re-organising my craft room!! I'm itching to start scrapping again now!! Trouble is ... once I start that's it and I am obsessed!!
Today was good for other reasons too ... but nothing I'd admit in public!!
Bizarre .... the first Monday in such a long time that my only blog tags are Monday and Happy!!
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Busy but totally fabulous!!!
I have had a GREAT day today!! This morning was spent finishing off (as much as we could!) of the surprise ... and ohhh, it turned out so much better than any of us thought! I can't WAIT to hear how the surprise goes! I just wish I could be there like a fly on the wall!!
I think the best bit for me was spending time with my sister. She and I have had quite a "difficult" relationship in the past, but we've been working on it and building a new relationship. The past couple of days we've really found a new kinship too and it's been wonderful!! She and her hub are moving closer in a few weeks and it will be really great to see her more often.
Aaaaanyway I still have like eleventy hundred things to do before I go to bed this evening .... so I'll keep this short and sweet! Mad Monday tomorrow and I will NEED my beauty sleep for that!!
Saturday, 26 April 2008
A bloody fantastic day!!!
Today has been CRAZY and BUSY and I am totally exhausted! LOL It was WELL worth it though! I spent the day helping a special someone create a special something for another special someone!!! I can't say ANY more than that as I know at least one of those someones occasionally stops by my blog ... and if the other someone gets wind of what we've been up to ... well the special something won't be as much of a surprise!!!
I know ... that's totally beyond cryptic to anyone other than me and the two other people involved in creating this surprise ... but I promise there is photos and I will be able to reveal all in about oooh 3 weeks!! My lips are sealed and until the secret is revealled to the other person ... then I can't say a word!!!
GOSH it's so exciting!!! I LOVE being involved in other people's secrets!!!
All I can say is that I have had an absolutely BRILLIANT day and it's renewed my "mojo" I feel passionate, creative and - ack, just happy! It's been a great day!!
Friday, 25 April 2008
A really good Friday!!
Ohhhh it's been such a good day today! First thing this morning before going into work, I repotted *everything* LOL It all looks terrific in the conservatory - my tomatoes are in individual pots, and potted on all of my latest seedlings. The basil and chervill look terrific!! I'm such a proud plant mama!
Got a call from the optician today and after school I took Nathan down to the optician to pick up his glasses... he looks great! They really suit him! I didn't take any pics because I was running sooooo far behind this afternoon!!
I am REALLY looking forward to tomorrow .... I have secret stuff planned with my sister but I can't say more than that incase eyes that shouldn't be reading this ... are reading this! LOL
Anyway, a bit of a short entry this evening ... It has been such a hugely busy day that I didn't even have time for the friday five!!!
Ok I give up ... could waffle on for ages but I need my pillow!!
Thursday, 24 April 2008
The last 2 days .....
I couldn't bring myself to write anything yesterday. I took the day completely off work to be with my mum when Rosie was put to sleep. It was such a sad day and by the end of it I just wanted to close my eyes and go to sleep.
The vet had been due to arrive at mum's for 11am yesterday, so I was over there an hour before so I could spend some time with mum and Rosie. It was just so hard to believe that the dog I was sat there stroking would be gone just a while later. The vet and nurse were really wonderful in the way that they dealt with mum. I think mum was reassured too when the nurse said that Rosie's blood pressure was really low ... it meant that she would have only literally had a matter of days left and she would have died in pain. It helped mum to realise that it was the right decision.
Rosie was sitting on her bed in mum's conservatory ... mum was on the floor hugging and holding Rosie, and I just sat behind mum and held her tight. It only took a minute or so for Rosie to pass away.
God it was so sad. Mum and I then drove up to Raystede animal sanctuary with Rosie in the back of the car. It is a lovely place and we left Rosie in the chapel of rest ... I'm going back on Sunday with mum to pick up her ashes and then Rosie will be scattered in several different places! Part of her will be where Dad's ashes were scattered - his favourite walk through the woods. The rest of her will be scattered on HER favourite walk - the rabbit run up the big hill where she can eternally chase rabbits forever now!!!
Today? It's actually been a good day! Orders have finally picked up again and I spent the day being BUSY and getting a lot done at work.
Sorry this is a bit of a weird melancholy blog post ... but in a strange way I feel okay. I popped over to mum's this afternoon just to check on her and it was so weird not to hear Rosie barking as I opened the back gate *sigh* - I'll miss that dog.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
A non day ........
After being awake until 3am in the morning (and consuming half a bottle of wine between 1.30-3am - don't ask!!) I've had a real fuzzy head for most of the day. I couldn't go into the workshop first thing because if the police had stopped me en-route, I would probably have still been over the limit so I just didn't chance it. Went in for a few hours this afternoon and did the necessary.
Still no new orders .... it's getting worse.
You'll have to excuse me - I'm feeling melancholy today.
Is happiness overrated?
I have been discussing my "dilemma" that I can't post about here with a close friend. She said (and I quote directly!) "Its just mustering up the courage to admit to yourself what you really want with your life."
Damnit I hate it when my friends force me to THINK! Thinking is infinitely dangerous .... but the it is nearly 2am in the morning and I can't sleep ... so thinking may therefore be a GOOD thing.
... ack at any rate I'm thinking ... therefore I am blogging!!!
So ... it's just a case of admitting to yourself what you really want with your life? It's something you think you already know the answer to (especially as a 30 something mother of two!) BUT, the scary thing is, until you actually have to sit down and answer that question you don't necessarily know.
So .... what DO I want from my life?
- I want my children to be happy and for them to have the absolutely best life I can possibly give them, even when it means personal sacrifice.
- I want to wake up in the mornings with a smile on my face, knowing it's a brand new day with brand new opportunities just there for the taking.
- I want the freedom to get paid for something I love doing, while having flexible working hours to fit around my children.
- To live "comfortably." ie have the bills paid, food in the cupboards, clothes on my back and enough pennies leftover in my bank account to be able to buy a gorgeous pair of shoes when the odd occasional urge strikes me without fear of great debt or having to hide them and lie about the cost (not that I have EVER done that!)
- To live near the ocean ALWAYS. I need to be somewhere not far from the water but also somewhere that has countryside and nature so I can escape to solitude when I want to ... but it also has to be close enough "real life", meeting new people and decent shopping!! Basically I need a waterfront, countryside house in the middle of a thriving metropolis! That's not too much to ask, right?
- I want to live in a house where the kitchen is the heart and hub of the home. I want my kids to be there at the table doing their homework as I am cooking dinner, chatting to them and spending time with them.
- I desperately want to have time to stop and smell the flowers every now and again. Maybe photograph a few of them too!
- To spend more time scrapbooking, making cards and just being creative.
- Friends that I can 100% rely on to be there for me as I would be there for them.
- I want to be at least HALF the mother to my kids that my mother was to me. This could be a whole separate post on it's own ... LOL I mean that I want to be there for them - a friend as well as a parent and to have a mutually respectful relationship with them both.
- I want to be happy. Content isn't enough. I need to be happy.
- Another baby. I can't help it. It's on my want list.
What I DON'T want .....
- I don't want my children to suffer in any way, shape or form based on a bad decision that I make.
- I hate having to rely on prescription anti-depressants to reduce my anxiety attacks and the permanent feeling of "impending doom" that I currently live with on a daily basis.
- I don't want to be stressed anymore. These days I get stressed to the point that I can potentially have several panic attacks a day and it's affecting so many other areas of my life as well.
- I don't want to be constantly *and I do mean constantly* worried about money and debts. Everybody is entitled to the odd money worry (apart from the rich bastards!) but I know I probably worry TOO much and if I were just to bite the bullet ...
- I never want to lose touch with good friends. It occurred to me writing this that there is a really good friend - C who I have known for YEARS whose birthday it is tomorrow ... and who I haven't seen or spoken to in almost a year... I feel dreadful about that. She could have just as easily picked up the phone to me - but for whatever reason we've kinda lost touch. I need to re-kindle some old friendships to make sure they don't die.
- To make the wrong decision.
- To compromise for the sake of "an easy life".
There, that wasn't so hard - it's just a mega HUGE list that I could never achieve... that I could also keep adding to and adding to the more I think about it!! I'm going to stop now or I really could be here all night and it's late enough already!
Maybe happiness is over-rated after all.
Monday, 21 April 2008
Still dreaming ... ohh and a gardening update!
My head has been in a bit of a state most of the day today ... in a good way though. Part of me can't believe I am actually even contemplating taking such a huge enormous step. In fact it's not just huge or enormous ... it's frigging massive. Literally the end of everything that is currently "safe" and familiar to me and taking a jump into totally unchartered territory. Scary Mary. Okay well enough talking about things that I can't talk about yet ... LOL (moving swiftly on .....)
Anyway onto definitely happy stuff! I've been munching my way through my lettuces for the last couple of weeks and they are still going strong! They look and taste fabulous just on their own with olive oil and black pepper!! I take a few leaves from each plant and to be honest there is still loads of life left in that first batch!!! The first batch is on the right and the second batch (3 weeks behind) is on the left. Doing well huh!!
And check my tomatoes out too!!! God I am so proud of these!!! These are my original little seedlings that got attacked by something (thrip I *think* and I used Dee's organic method of bug warfare by just chopping the crap out of them, removing any diseased leaves and talking to them nicely (the plants not the diseased leaves!) every morning when I check on them! LOL and it's worked. They are thriving, healthy and ready for another re-pot soon! There is 3 plants in each pot at the moment and they need to go into their own individual pots. It's so exciting! LOL
I took some photos of my chilli pepper plant but I couldn't get a decent shot that really shows how well itis doing too! I bought my chilli plant as a baby plant from a garden centre last summer and nurtured it & loved it ... and it grew the most AWESOME kick ass chillis!! The info card led me to believe that it wouldn't last through the winter ... and I guess outdoors it may not have survived the frost .... but I kept it watered and then in February this year I chopped it right back - not really knowing what I was doing but took a chance on it!! I was fairly brutal - and over the last month it's been flowering and there are most definitely chillis growing again!!
Mad how such small little things make me so excited eh!
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Dreams ... and what the fuck is normality anyway???
I've been moaning about how inconvenient it has been to have the kids off for the past two weeks, and now I am faced with the fact that they go back to school tomorrow and that normality must resume!
It's funny how on an evening when I am contemplating normality ... I have also had a discussion with somebody - and the outcome of said discussion could affect my entire life and make it all very UN normal indeed!!!
In traditional ME style, I'm not saying anything about what this "thing" could be in "public". Part of me doesn't want to jinx it until I have really thought about it. I need to chew it over and then regurgitate it and dissect it all again!! ... and part of me is already convinced it would never work anyway, but maybe that's just the eternal pessimist in me.
Is it possible to have a dream that you always thought was the one you really wanted - until an unexpected somebody makes a suggestion - completely out of the blue - of an alternative dream that somehow seems better than your original dream AND more achievable than your original dream ... even though that first dream has been your dream for as long as you remember?
Yeah I bet I'm not making sense to anyone reading this, but *I* know what I mean and that's what counts.
Damn now this isn't what I had expected on a Sunday evening!! I took photos of my lettuces and my chervill to post (all looking very fabby!) ... but that somehow seems a bit irrelevant now!
Okay ignore my waffling I'm done now - I need to go think seriously about totally changing my life! Hopefully normal service will resume by Monday morning when I realise it could never ever ACTUALLY work ...
... or could it??????
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Pics of Rosie Dog
Went for a lovely walk on the beach earlier with mum and the dogs to get some pics of Rosie. Her coat isn't as glossy and the shine has gone from her eyes, but other than being slower than usual ... she seems fine! It's almost hard to believe that mum has been told Rosie won't make it more than a couple of weeks now. One thing is for sure that dog is getting royally spoiled at the moment ... half a chicken for her dinner apparently, so at least she has a good appetite!!
Friday, 18 April 2008
Crying my eyes out....
Rosie is my mum's dog. She is an Alsatian/Rotweiller cross but the sappiest dog you could ever want to meet. Mum adopted her about 7-8 years ago (ish, damn I can't remember for sure, but it was at least 2-3 years before Dad died) and then when dad died in 2003, Rosie was like Mum's rock.
Rosie is really ill .... very ill and it has all happened so quickly. Mum took her to the vet recently because she'd noticed a change in Rosie and the diagnosis came back very quickly that Rosie had a tumor. The vet told mum that they could operate but that it would only literally give her months and the operation is very expensive. Mum (rightly I feel) made the decision not to go for the operation because Rosie's quality of life is more important.
Mum took Rosie back to the vet today and sadly she has deteriorated in just a few days. Mum hates the thought of Rosie being in pain or suffering in any way, so it's looking like Wednesday will be the day... at least this way mum can prepare for it and the vet will come to her house. She's asked me to be there and I wouldn't have it any other way.
It's so sad ... not just because we'll all miss Rosie, but because she's one of the few remaining links to my dad. Damnit I still miss him....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XafBLDVtF7Y&feature=related - this is a link to Dolly Parton and Vince Gill singing "I will always love you" which is always a reminder of my dad for me. He loved country music and Dolly Parton in particular. This song was always a favourite of his ... not because of the words behind the song - my parents marriage was solid as a frigging rock ... but just because it's a really great song and one of his favourites. We played it at his funeral for him.
Ok I'm crying now - listening to this song over and over again and crying my eyes out for dad, for Rosie and for all that is completely shit in my life at the moment. Dad I miss you SO MUCH.
My dad was such an amazing person. I don't think I ever really remember him saying "I love you" unless I said it first to him ... but I knew it ... ohhh I knew it. I grew up knowing that I was absolutely 100% loved and I never questioned it. I didn't always get everything I *wanted* ... but Dad made sure that we always had everything we *needed.*
He was always there no matter what. He wasn't one of those dads that always missed the important stuff either. He worked HARD to get to where he was and worked from home a LOT in the evenings and weekends, but there was always time for my sister and I, and as I've said - his love was never EVER questioned. He was so proud of Sis and I too ... so proud of what we had achieved and accomplished ... I think he was definitely our biggest fan ...
Dad died Sept 1st 2003 at PRECISELY 10pm in the evening. He always was a bloody perfectionist (it's where I get it from!!) and it was almost like he waited until the dot of 10pm to finally let go! When he first died I thought about him every minute of every day ... then eventually it went to once a day ... then once every few days, once a week, once every couple of weeks etc until eventually ... I realised I think about him when I need his comfort or guidance.
I am NOT religious in any way shape or form ... I feel belief is personal and not for anyone else to criticise ... but I do like to think that he is keeping an eye out for me. Every now and again I see a little white feather and to me, that's his way of letting me know he is there.
Why white feathers? Well, and this is an absolutely 100% true story. The day after dad had died, Mum, my sister and I were sat in my back garden contemplating life without him, and all of a sudden out of nowhere this white feather appeared in the air. It floated all around - left, right, up and down in the wind etc. Mum held out her hand and it landed right in her open palm.
It shocked the bejeebers out of us all I can tell ya! Mum still has that feather too. Ever since then it's either been a weird bizarre co-incidence ... or it's been a sign because whenever I feel like I am really up against a brick wall, and that life just really aint worth it ... I get a lil white feather.
Damn I hadn't meant to waffle so much ... at least the tears have stopped now.
Friday Five - 18th April 2008
Gawd it's been ages since I did the Friday Five!! It's usually Saturday morning by the time I remember! This week's one looks like fun ... it's all about over-use!!
1. What’s a catchphrase that gets overused at your workplace? Erm now that would either be a few choice rude words when I drop wax on myself or burn myself, or how I say "Cool Beans" out loud (to nobody in particular!) when something works perfectly!!
2. What item in your house has seen too much use lately? Can a girl admit that on a public forum?
What’s a word or phrase your friends would ask you to use a lot less, if you were to ask their opinion? LOL that would be "yeah okay" or "yeah right" or just "yeah" in general. I'm such a cynic these days!
What’s something in your life that’s pretty much been used up and needs replacing? My sanity! That counts, right? Especially recently - I have been so stressed out and I feel totally used up and dried out!
In what way have you been overused lately? There are so many ways I could answer this! See my answer to the above! I do think people take advantage of my good nature sometimes. I will always do whatever I can to help out my friends - even sometimes when I have to actually put myself out to help someone else. I do it out of love / respect for those I care about ... but sometimes I should just say no!
Thursday, 17 April 2008
I LOVE evenings like this!!!
The kids are in bed and I am sprawled out on my bed with my laptop and the TV on ready to watch Sex in the City at 10pm!!
This time of the evening when it's all so quiet everywhere else, it's almost like I am alone in the house and I love it, esp when the hub is out of the house too!! (he's away for a couple nights) I CRAVE moments like this, and cherish them when I get them! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my kids to bits, but I do love my "alone time" in the house just me relaxing in my bedroom!
I sent out my email promotion to selected companies earlier targeting my wholesale website ... fingers crossed on that one! The link from the major wholesale source is now live too and the stats show that I am already getting hits from it ... so that's all good!!
One more day ... just tomorrow to go, then the weekend then the kids go back to school and things can get back to normal again!!
My blurry lil boy! LOL
Nathan has been having headaches for a while and I took him to the optician today for an eye test. I told the optician in advance that Nathan had ADHD & Aspergers and it was almost amusing watching the poor optician struggle to get Nathan to concentrate!
One of the symptoms of Aspergers is lack of eye contact - Nathan finds it very difficult to look into someone's eyes for a prolonged period of time ... so it was very difficult for Nathan to do the eye test but he tried really hard!
I gave the optician permission to put drops into Nathan's eyes to "unfocus" them and stop them from rolling around all over the place ... this made his eyesight go completely blurry and it will be blurry for the next 8 hours or so. Poor lil guy!!
Anyway, the drops allowed the optician to look right into the back of Nathan's eyes and the resulting prescription is long sightedness. This means he can see really well far away, but not so well up close and this will hopefully mean less headaches.
We picked out a cool pair of blue metal frames for him which will hopefully be ready by Tuesday next week and he'll need to wear them for reading, writing, computer, TV and close up stuff etc.
Meanwhile it's the middle of the afternoon and all of the curtains are closed because bright light is hurting his eyes! He's been walking around all squinty and not really sure what to do with himself ... thankfully this is only temporary and he'll be fine by the time he goes to bed!
Sorry - crappy photo in bad light using my phone! LOL
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Mundane Wednesday stuff!
I was chatting to a friend a few days ago about my seedlings and she was all enthusiastic, saying she'd seen the pics on my blog and said how much they had grown!! I was a bit taken aback because I hadn't really thought that people actually read my blog! LOL
I don't exactly write about news, politics, finance or current issues (other than anything that really strikes me and I remember to write about it!!) ... I guess I always thought that my life --- is --- pretty boring! LOL I just write about my daily mundane ... well ... stuff!!
Why blog then? Some would say that blogging is narcissistic, and a waste of time... (and they are probably right!) Why do I blog though? To be truthful I've always kept a journal anyway ... I'm such a forgetful klutz and it's a really good thing to be able to look back and think ohhh yeah I did such and such on that day! I always wrote my journal by hand before until I realised I was spending so much time online in the evenings or working on my laptop anyway (website stuff etc) that I may as well journal online too!
It's weird - it gets to around 10pm in the evening and if I haven't blogged/journalled that day then my fingers just feel itchy! It's like the dream where you realise you are nekkid in public ... it just aint right! I even find myself mentally noting things that happen during the day and thinking "I'll blog about that later!"
Is there a support group for blogaholics? An online one preferably! LOL
Today in general? Not so bad! I finished the re-vamp of the wholesale website ... so fingers crossed that will bring in some nice extra business for me. Also, now the site is finished, I plan on sending out an (unspam) mailing to selected online companies with a special offer on any wholesale orders placed before the end of May ... again fingers crossed!
It's the same all over though ... I don't think it really matters what business you are in ... the economy is shite at the moment. FFS the banks won't even lend to each other at the moment, first time buyers have no hope of getting a mortgage .... what hope does a lil candlemaker have of staying in business?
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Being productive on a Tuesday evening
Soooo ... it turned out not to be such a bad day after all and definitely better than yesterday ... LOL that isn't exactly hard though! I was smiling by the time I actually left the workshop and I actually STILL have a smile on my face now (nearly 10pm).
Kids are in their rooms (they are allowed to stay up later on weekends & school holidays) and hub is attached to his PC in his little room! I love it when I get an evening to myself like this ... it's almost like there is nobody else in the house!
I've had a really productive evening so far and I'm just taking a quick break for a bit of a blog and a whinge before I hit the HTML code again! I've got myself a free trial on an excellent wholesale website to bring in some new business, so I've been working like a woman possessed on my wholesale site ready for when the link to my site goes live from theirs. I'm uploading the changes as I go to force myself to keep working on it or the site will be mis-matched! LOL
Ugh .... and headache!
Monday, 14 April 2008
I hate Mondays - banish them FOREVER! (Major vent)
Does anyone even care why? Pffffftttt doesn't even matter because I am going to whine about it anyway (talking about wine ... now where's my glass...)
I am depressed about money. I sometimes feel that I am sinking faster than I can swim and that scares the crap outta me. The business is short of "cash flow" and although orders are coming in ... so are the bills! The household is short of money because I am not taking any drawings from the business at the moment either.
It's not completely dire - well, not yet anyway.. but something has to change soon and I mean SOON or I'm gonna sink, I can feel it. I've even been thinking about trying an evening job again to make some extra cash..... but my skills are worth so much more than just minimum wage!
So yeah... as well as the melancholy, stressed, worried and generally pissed off attitude that I had already developed by late this afternoon, you gotta add in the fact that I am completely out of wax and my delivery now doesn't arrive until tomorrow. All I can say is that it had better show up tomorrow or heads are gonna roll! What good is a candlemaker who has no wax?
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! LOL this photo is from a few months back (pre-fringe!) when I was stressed and turned the camera on myself ... but it just sums up how I have been feeling today!!! The title of the photo is "I am WOMAN, hear me ROAR!"
Thank f**k I am a smoker who has had a glass or four of wine and some chilled out music playing in the background! I may just make it to Tuesday after all ....
Sunday, 13 April 2008
My daughter just told me .....
(via MSN from her bedroom while I am sat in the lounge with my laptop!) that she loves me more than she loves her phone!
Wow, I guess she loves me a LOT because that girl loves her new phone!!
A good Sunday always involves gardening :-)
Yeah it's been a good day today! I went into work for a bit but can't do a huge amount until my wax delivery on Tuesday, so I've been doing packaging and working on the website updates mainly. It is soooo frustrating having the kids on school holidays cutting my working hours, but even MORE frustrating that I have no wax!!
So anyway, this afternoon after I'd finished work ended up as a bit of an accidental brainstorming session to help a friend out! What started off as a conversation about (I believe it was my lettuces! LOL) ended up suddenly going off on a tangent with all kinds of ideas! It's always good to see your friends with a smile on their face too. I know most of my good friends are as stressed out in real life as I am, and seeing someone else smiling, motivated and positive made me feel that way too :-)
Aaaaaaaanyway teensy quick gardening update! My 3rd batch of lettuces have sprung up ALREADY!! I only planted them on THURSDAY last week! I checked them this morning and almost fell off my feet when I saw that the majority of them have popped up overnight! That is literally 3 days to germinate into baby seedlings!! Wow!! These are all the mixed spicy lettuce variety too - my favourites! The chervill seedlings are doing okay - as are the basil ones ... but no cucumbers yet... well, there IS one, but I am not entirely sure that it is a cucumber as I planted individual seeds in the middle of the cells and this little thing has popped up to one side. I can't see how weeds have found their way into compost stored in a conservatory ... so I will have to wait and see on those! Still - the 3 day lettuces have MORE than made up for it!
I'm getting old and sad huh! But I tell ya it makes me happy!
Good Luck in the marathon Shaun!!!
A friend of mine is running in the London Marathon today - brave brave man! He'd tried getting in for a few years and this year was finally accepted. They said on the TV this morning that 48,000 runners were accepted - and 35,305 actually turned up. It's amazing - so many different people there and how the heck you run in a sonic the hedgehog outfit I'll never know!!
Anyway will be watching it off and on - good luck Shaun!!!
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Megan's first phone!
I gave Megan her very first mobile phone today as a "just because" gift!! OMG she cracks me up - she still has such a huge grin on her face and keeps running into the room with her phone against her face saying "I love you phone" then laughing maniacally and running out again!
Friday, 11 April 2008
I SO want root trainers
And here begins a post with words I thought I would never EVER utter ....
So I think I have "hybrid" bluebells ... LOL
So these are close up pics of the bluebells in my garden. I NEEEED a macro lens for my camera to get better real sharp close ups, but this is the best I could get!
I found a website that has a quick online questionnaire to work out whether bluebells are the native, hybrid or spanish variety ... http://www.plantlife.org.uk/bluebell/plants.htm and according to the answers I filled in, mine are hybrid ... BUT it's very hard to tell for sure because the flowers are only just starting to bloom and even the open ones aren't 100% fully open yet!
What did strike me as I was taking the pics though ... was how beautifully and stunningly deep purple the stem of the flower is - gorgeous! The insides of the flowers are definitely a pale blue and not the cream from the spanish ones, and the flowers are definitely purple as opposed to pale blue ... so I am sure they are hybrid. Anyway I'll let my friend take a look at the pics and we'll get an "expert" *grin* opinion!!
Meanwhile Tinkerbell had a lot of fun getting in the way while I was taking pics!! LOL
"... you can't see me ... I'm not here .... ohhh scuse me while I lay down right where you are trying to take photos ... please take pics of me and adore me .... LOL"
Nathan DR update and *shock* I'm a GOOD mother?
What a wonderful update to be able to give the doctor! Nathan has been seeing a specialist at the children's centre in the local hospital since we first started on the road to diagnosis four years ago, and although his appointments were once every 12 weeks, he's now only seen every 6 months for an update because he is stable on his medication and doing well.
Other than the odd toilet accident to be negative about (all part of his diagnosis anyway) and the annoying way he doesn't eat "proper" food, everything else I had to tell his specialist was all good stuff! His reading has improved tenfold and I took his current school reading book along for him to read a bit to her - she was impressed! Told her about how he's had several merits for maths, how his teacher commented on the fact that although his handwriting is messy, his SPELLING is actually very good for a child his age. It was just all good stuff to tell her! We talked a little about his eating habits, made sure I was positive (with Nathan in the room listening too!) about how he HAS been trying some new foods recently and discovered extra things he likes.
She said to me how NICE it was to hear a parent being so positive and encouraging about their child!! She said all day that she hears nothing but negativity from parents and that Nathan's improvements are obviously very much down to being in a supportive environment and good parenting.
Made me proud of myself to hear someone "official" tell me I am a good mum! I know I am faaaaaaaar from perfect and I screw up a lot as a parent, but I think we all do because there aint no book out there that can tell you how to do it - you just have to love your kids and want the best for them and that isn't exactly hard to do :-)
Cool little widget!
I was up mega early this morning (yeah don't ask!) and not only have I cleaned the house, but I've been playing around with the widgets from blogcatalog and found one that shows my recent facebook status updates as well as what I have been listening to on last.fm!
If you know me, you'll know I am a huge fan of pointless stats and stalking myself ... LOL Check out the bright pink box on the right hand side under the "about me" bit! Hehehe
Thursday, 10 April 2008
My fingers are getting greener!!
Look at my tomatoes!! Yeah! Aren't they looking healthy and happy? LOL I am so pleased! I spent a good part of the morning repotting, planting and generally pottering!! I had such a good time! Hehehe!
What amazes me is these tomatoes are the same ones that were attacked by something looking like thrip - I chopped them right back to get rid of any diseased leaves and even started new seeds off "just incase" ... but they are actually looking pretty dang good!
The black pots on the right are my lil baby aubergines - doing real well, and on the left are the 2nd batch of lettuces that have just come out of the propagator into pots. They look all sickly and week from the stress of moving, but within a few days they will be healthy again!! I planted the third batch of lettuce seeds today - all the spicy variety this time ... and it is just so exciting knowing that I am growing my own food!
This is a pic fresh from today of my first batch of lettuces (the ones that I have been taste testing and the ones I posted a pic of yesterday from a few days ago!) I am SO pleased with how well they are doing, and the fact that I have my third batch on the go now is like yeah baby!!
I can't believe that *I* am getting so excited and so caught up in gardening! I am actually even thinking about starting to watch Gardener's World ... but don't quote me on that eh ... hmmm I could even sky plus it so that I never have to miss it either! Damn, did I say that? Holy crapoly what is happening to me! LOL
So anyway, moving on and keeping on track ... it's actually been an exciting day in Dee's plant world as my chervill seeds have started to pop and all 4 of my basil trays have popped up too!! I'm still waiting on the cucumbers ... but the packet does say up to 14 days to germinate and we DID have that snow and cold spell recently ... but still, they are in a propagator in the conservatory so they should be okay!
I SO SO gotta get me some square pots too ... look at the pic of the lettuces above all procariously balanced on a plate - it's not good!! Square pots would be better space wise, and also a little birdie told me that it's actually better for the roots in a square pot too. So yeah ... when I can eventually afford it, I want to replace ALL of my pots for square ones. That'll be a while then!! Hahaha
Chatting with a friend today about the bluebells everywhere too. Apparently there are a few different types and my garden is covered in them! I've been asked to take some photos to try to identify whether they are native, hybrid or a nasty "take over the world" type of variety! LOL
Watch this space for some err bluebell pics tomorrow I guess!
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Lettuces, pain relief and toothache ... a mixed bundle!
Okay I've been slack due to my migraine & toothache - so sue me! LOL This pic of my lettuces was actually taken a week ago and trust me these babies have grown a LOT since then!!! My arse is firmly planted right on the sofa right now though (with a glass of wine) and I'm NOT getting up to take new pics - I'll do that tomorrow, or the next day! HAH!
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
And then the kids were on school holidays
... and the normality of my every day life goes completely up the swanny!!
I'm lucky that hub offered to take Monday off and work from home today so I was able to get into the workshop yesterday and today. Truth is, it hasn't come at a mega bad time because orders have been very slow over the last few days. If I HAVE to take enforced time off (ie kids off school) then I would rather it were when things are slow because it makes me feel less guilty!
On the downside, it means orders are slow! *sigh* time for another website revamp? I am gonna get pro-active over the next couple of weeks that the kids are on holiday (Damn the screwy easter dates this year!)
Soooo this evening I am trying desperately to put together a new format for the website that will really bring in the sales!! Mama has gotta go get seriously productive!
Monday, 7 April 2008
Certainly the most interesting Monday in a while!!
My day started off with me almost having a heart attack! I'd used my card in the hole in the wall of my local bank, and then gone straight into the branch to pay in a cheque. I hadn't realised that although I'd put my number in, requested the money and taken my card ... I hadn't actually taken the cash. A lady came in with my money in her hand while I was queuing up and said "I think you left this in the machine."
I actually picked the lady up and hugged her. I wish I could have thought more at the time to at least ask this lady her name - and I was so in shock that I doubt I would recognise her even if I saw her again.
I was gobsmacked - truly and completely (it doesn't happen often that I am so stuck for words!!!) but I was so surprised that it was returned to me safely. Funny ... the cashier saw it all happen and she said to me that someone was looking out for me that day! I was actually physically shaking because the household is pretty short of cash right now. That was literally all I had ... and I told her that I felt the need to go find someone to do a good turn for to pay it forward!! She said no... she said when things like that happen to good people it is because they deserve it.
That's a nice thought huh ... considering how STRESSED I have been lately and how much I do for other people that there has actually been some good karma repaid to me.
I've had a really weird day as a result, but it's got to 9pm and I have a smile on my face so that's gotta be good ... right? LOL Plus, my migraine has been "better" - not gone completely but better ... and my toothache is calming down too! Thank goodness for prescription drugs huh!!
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Just a quick Sunday evening addendum! My headache has been better today ... still there but only a 2 on the 1-10 pain scale as opposed to the 4 it was yesterday, so that's an improvement! Btw childbirth/root canals are at 10 on the scale for a good measure! Alcohol is definitely working as a pain killer though!! My toothache on the other hand is still very much there, alive and kicking!
Mum said to me this evening (had dinner at her place) that if I've had a headache/migraine for 3 days in a row then I really should see a doctor. I guess ... but seriously, what is the doc gonna say though? Oh you have your period? Oh and you're a bit stressed? That'll explain the headaches, take some tablets and if it gets worse then come back! I may as well save us both the time and not bother!!
Mind you, it might be worth going to get the prescription pain killers! I love Solpadol ... it's paracetamol & codeine at prescription strength in a disolvable format so it starts working literally within 15 minutes!
I'll see how I feel in the morning!
April 6th - a SNOW day???
Well the snow sure came down! I was woken up at 9am by kids excitedly squealing about snow!! I dropped Megan over at her friend's house and after lunch we went to play out in the snow!! My mum came along too with Rosie Dog and we had a great laugh!
I was vaguely amused by how my normally very white dog looked decidedly yellow against the snow!! Nathan and his dad were having quite evil snowball fights and I am just glad they all abided by the "No throwing snowballs near mum's camera" rule! Oh boy I took a ton of pics! Here's just some of 'em!! Mouse over for my comments! LOL
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Somehow I have managed to corrupt the file I have been working on for my new wholesale catalogue. Fuck. I just rebooted my laptop and suddenly publisher is telling me that the file is corrupt???
I've spent three frigging days on that.