I gave Megan her very first mobile phone today as a "just because" gift!! OMG she cracks me up - she still has such a huge grin on her face and keeps running into the room with her phone against her face saying "I love you phone" then laughing maniacally and running out again!

Originally I'd said she could have one when she starts senior school in a couple of years (i.e. age 11-12) ... but I'd changed my mind and said she could have one for her 10th birthday this year because she is grown up, responsible, mature and doesn't ever really give us any grief! LOL She is doing well and making huge HUGE improvements in so many areas at school, her general attitude is great (the odd bit of cheek but I can cope with that!) she is popular and well liked by her friends etc... AND it's actually the only thing she has asked for.

Damn I sound old! LOL
Anyway, I actually picked up a little pink pay as you go phone when I upgraded mine recently that I knew would be ideal for her - I stuck a tenners worth of credit on it and I've had it stashed away in a safe place!! I spoke to hub this evening and he agreed with me that she's kept her room immaculately tidy for the last few weeks without complaint, she's done all the chores asked of her and extra ones without being asked ... and that maybe this was one of those times that warranted a "just because" present.
Oh wow she is one happy girl! I wrapped the phone up and gave her the gift ... then I rang the number as she was unwrapping it! Her face was a picture!!! I've just noticed she's even put a notice on her door this evening saying "Don't come in, I'm busy loving my phone!" LOL
She knows that if her schoolwork drops, or she doesn't carry on helping out around the house then the phone is confiscated ... I don't think we'll have any trouble with that though!! She also knows that she will only get a certain amount of credit on her phone each week ... and once it's gone, it's gone!
I love seeing her with such a bright and beaming smile on her face. She's a good girl and she deserves it!
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