My head has been in a bit of a state most of the day today ... in a good way though. Part of me can't believe I am actually even contemplating taking such a huge enormous step. In fact it's not just huge or enormous ... it's frigging massive. Literally the end of everything that is currently "safe" and familiar to me and taking a jump into totally unchartered territory. Scary Mary. Okay well enough talking about things that I can't talk about yet ... LOL (moving swiftly on .....) Anyway onto definitely happy stuff! I've been munching my way through my lettuces for the last couple of weeks and they are still going strong! They look and taste fabulous just on their own with olive oil and black pepper!! I take a few leaves from each plant and to be honest there is still loads of life left in that first batch!!! The first batch is on the right and the second batch (3 weeks behind) is on the left. Doing well huh!!
And check my tomatoes out too!!! God I am so proud of these!!! These are my original little seedlings that got attacked by something (thrip I *think* and I used Dee's organic method of bug warfare by just chopping the crap out of them, removing any diseased leaves and talking to them nicely (the plants not the diseased leaves!) every morning when I check on them! LOL and it's worked. They are thriving, healthy and ready for another re-pot soon! There is 3 plants in each pot at the moment and they need to go into their own individual pots. It's so exciting! LOL
I took some photos of my chilli pepper plant but I couldn't get a decent shot that really shows how well itis doing too! I bought my chilli plant as a baby plant from a garden centre last summer and nurtured it & loved it ... and it grew the most AWESOME kick ass chillis!! The info card led me to believe that it wouldn't last through the winter ... and I guess outdoors it may not have survived the frost .... but I kept it watered and then in February this year I chopped it right back - not really knowing what I was doing but took a chance on it!! I was fairly brutal - and over the last month it's been flowering and there are most definitely chillis growing again!!
Mad how such small little things make me so excited eh!
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